Saturday, February 16, 2013

This has been a day

It really hasn't been anything out of the ordinary. We have days like this all the time. But today my frustration level seemed to be at an all time high. You see. For those of you without children, having young children means that you can't ever get anything done. Trigger is sassing me and getting into anything and everything that does not belong to him. Campbell is wanting me to hold him/crying/mad at t for looking at him/etc. Larkin is refusing naps but can't handle being up Bc she's so exhausted so she wants to be held and falls out if the slightest thing doesn't go her way...and if there's a little bout of happiness, it is spent climbing on top of something and standing up.
So, it has been a day. A frustrating day. A day without my partner in crime. It is bedtime and I am so thankful. Part of me wanted to throw them in their beds from the doorway but that might be considered "wrong" or "abusive" or "neglectful"...and I remembered how much I love this part of the day. Clean babies to rock. Ahhhhh. Something that I LOVE. So there was no throwing.
Lets recap the day...and these would be the highs. Didnt capture the many lows today.
We started out by going to get donuts. We were going to take Matt some coffee at work too so that we could see him. Well, I was the next car in line and realized that I didnt have my purse. So I got out of line and headed to get money from my poor husband. And then back to daylight we wait in line again.

I washed mounds and mounds of laundry...and this wasn't even all of it. I think by bedtime I will have done 6 loads and I was just caught up two days ago. It's all trigger. He changes clothes about four times a day.

We played alot...apparently Snow White needed the big gun truck.

And woody did a little repelling from the princess castle.

Larkin had lunch in a different way. She refuses baby food. I continue to try Bc she won't eat fruit or Veges if I cook/prepare them. So I try to cram a few spoonfuls down her every meal. We waste alot of food. Well today she kept grabbing the jar and wanted to drink it. I let her have at it. She drank over a half of the jar. I would be excited thinking that we've found a new way to feed her. But i know her well enough to know that this won't fly for the next meal. Fickle. Fickle. Fickle!

Just show the real look of my house. Complete and total disaster. I could not get one thing accomplished. Constantly putting out "fires" today.

Junk EVERYWHERE!!!!!! I try to not let it bother me but it does. It does ALOT!!!!
And that's my exciting day.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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