Thursday, February 7, 2013

Christmas Morning

We are so blessed to live close to all of our family.  Because of that, we get to spend EVERY Christmas morning at home with our family of five.  I love that!!! This Christmas was fun because Trigger is a perfect age…he got so excited about everything.  Because of Trigger, Campbell got excited too!  I am so thankful that I decided to buy two of everything this year…even down to the little James and Thomas trains.  It made it so much more pleasant in our house.  IMG_0707IMG_0709IMG_0712Campbell was beyond excited about this blower.  IMG_0714Trigger wanted a woody hat like Campbell had gotten for his Halloween costume.  Santa made that happen so that Momma wouldn’t have to listen to fighting anymore!IMG_0717Larkin was THRILLED with her toys…can’t you tell.  Haha!  I don’t think she has played with any of them!IMG_0727IMG_0729IMG_0732Dress up clothes…I tried to find things that the boys would like that weren’t the normal toys.  Despite Trigger’s face in this picture, they LOVED their knight costume.  IMG_0734IMG_0737IMG_0742IMG_0747IMG_0751IMG_0754These police costumes are great but it has just created a problem because…whenever Campbell gets mad at me (or whoever now), he says “stop it…YOU GO TO JAIL”.IMG_0762IMG_0764Opening presents from us…shoes/pjs/clothes.  IMG_0769IMG_0775IMG_0779IMG_0790Stockings…IMG_0796IMG_0814And I will leave you with this…Monkey see, monkey do!!!!!!  :)IMG_0824

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