Wednesday, February 27, 2013

When your day starts off with...

I should've known that today was going to be rough when I started the day off getting thrown up on. THAT is never a good start to anyone's day.

Lets back up though... to yesterday.

(Cs legs were cold and he wanted a blanket. He found a pullup in the diaper bag to use. Poor baby)
I took Campbell and larkin back to the dr. Campbell had spiked a temp on Monday afternoon to 102.8...after starting an antibiotic on Monday. Larkin was running 101 something.

Both sounded HORRIBLE! Horrible! Wheezing. Just not good. So I took them. When I tell you that both of them were wheezing all morning and we got to the dr and they werent wheeZing when the dr came in, I am not lying. Then, as we walked out to go have chest and sinus X-rays for Campbell, Larkin was wheezing up a storm. It NEVER fails. They make me look like a liar every single time.
So, like I said, we waited at peds (forever!), saw dr....she was baffled by this fever situation...went to X-ray and waited, back to peds (and started the waiting all over...are you seeing the overall theme for my day), and saw the dr. She told us that c does indeed have an sinus infection but chest was clear. We were sent home with nothing new in the way of medicine. I didnt feel like I wasted 2.5 hours of my precious life sucking in germs that I don't care to think about...nope, I don't feel that way at all. (Slight sarcasm).

She did tell us to continue breathing treatments every 3-4 hrs and to call if fever was still present Thursday. And today Campbell still had 101.4 and Larkin still has low grade temp (and she's been on an antibiotic for 7 full days). I would say they are slightly better in the breathing department today considering that I haven't heard any wheezing today. Lots of really tight coughing though!
This is a video from yesterday. And Larkin wasnt even wheezing at this point.

YouTube Video

Larkin even let me rock her to sleep yesterday. Which means she is SICK!

Ok. So on to today. Campbell woke up about an hour before be normally does. Moaning and crying a little. "Hold me. Hold me, mama" So I stumbled back there. Picked him up to rock him. We rocked for about thirty minutes. Every couple of minutes he would moan "I'm sooo tired...hold me, mommy" (which is what I thought I was already doing). I finally sat up and I said "does it hurt when you breathe" and he said "yes". So I picked him up to take him to the den to do our morning breathing treatment. Get in the hallway. I carried him. Facing me. He sat up. Coughed. And threw up all over me. NICE! Glad I hadn't taken a shower yet. Somehow he didnt get a single speck of it on him.
And really that's the highlight of the day.

I was told that I had broken triggers heart (because I made him sit out for hitting his brother at 7am) and (and this is the best part) "you and daddy make me so angry. You and daddy are both so mean". What?!?! Daddy wasn't even at home. What had he done. And what!!????!! Hadnt I fixed your breakfast, laid out your clothes, turned your favorite show this morning. Excuse me for making you sit out (which really wasnt comparable to the crime if you ask me but I was too tired to even think about the havoc if I chose another punishment) when you HIT your sick, feverish, YOUNGER brother for what I am sure was something like 'he looked at you' or 'touched your toy'.

Then, (oh and this actually trumps the throw up Bc I wasn't truly awake enough for the throw up to disgust me that much) in a rush, I got Campbell dressed. Then, are you ready for this, I had the audacity to put shoes on the child. So. That threw him into a full 10 minute meltdown of screaming. And I'm not even exaggerating about the time frame. He screamed while I loaded everyone else in the car AND all the way to trinity. Poor trigger whipped into angel child mode (I guess he had forgotten that I was the horrible mommy from two minutes earlier). "Camel, let me put your shoes on. Which ones do you want". It really was quite remarkable how he can flip a switch and become brother of the year. However, c was past the point of anything working. He was mad at the world. And you know what? I put him in the car. No shoes on. I hope his feet were cold. I know it isn't a big deal if he wore shoes. I honestly didnt care. But I couldn't done without the 10 minute screaming car ride. And so could trigger...who held his fingers in his ears for the entire ride...except when he tried to hold Campbell's hand Bc Campbell kept screaming for me to "hold me" while we were driving down the road. I bet you can guess how that went down when t tried to take cs hand.
Like a lead balloon!
Anyway, we drove up to school. I turn around and asked "Campbell, why are you still crying. You aren't wearing shoes" and he answered "because you made me so sad". Yep. That would be bad mommy x2 and it was only 9am.
I carry c in Bc he doesn't have shoes on. Trigger goes into his class. I get back to my car and mrs Lisa runs out and asked me if I have a jacket for trigger because they were going outside. Ummmm, no I don't. Because in case you weren't informed, I am a horrible mom this morning...and sort of because I was a little out of sorts with the constant screaming in my ear as we were trying to get out the door. So, I went back home. Got him a jacket. Took it back to school. Went to Starbucks and got a well deserved coffee.
So, I waited alot yesterday.
Today, I got lots of flack.
Parenting is not for the faint at heart. Speaking of, my chest has been hurting for the last several days. It does this when I get stressed. These sick children are putting me over the edge.
We are on day 14 and Campbell had 101.4 and Larkin 100.5. Seriously. I think we just all need a steroid shot and call it done!

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Highlights...or lowlights

-Campbell hit Larkin with a toy and busted her lip.

-Larkin carried around a cup ALL DAY LONG while walking. Literally just making laps around the house. She sort of looks like a little old lady. Stumbling around. Touching a wall every now and then to get her balance. Precious!!!

- we had breathing treatments for both c and l every three hours because both are wheezing up a storm.
-Campbell started running fever around 10am. I mean, why not. He's just been sick for TWELVE days. Not that I'm counting. Actually, yes I am!!! I am counting. Because I am TIRED of my people being sick! We are headed back to green clinic tomorrow.

-I got all three of my children down for a nap. I'm not sure the last time all three have been in bed at the same time for naps. T wasn't asleep but he was resting. Then, I got a call from Matt to "seek shelter". Seriously?!?! Do we have to seek shelter? My children are all being quiet/sleeping in their rooms. Clearly, the weather did not realized how much laundry I had been neglecting and needed to fold! I figured my children's safety was little more important. But I wasn't happy about this decision. Woke them all up and got in our safe room.
-at one point, I did realize that we had a electrical plug in there. The iPad wasn't cutting it and my phone was about to die. So I made a run for it to get the laptop, DVDs and my charger. I MIGHT have told trigger (who is FOUR) "trigger, I'll be right back. Y'all stay in here. Do NOT let your sister eat anything unless its a goldfish." So I left them in there to get the "essentials" when the storm was at its worst. Thankfully, nothing bad happened and we got to come out of shelter a little while later.
-don't my children look like they are roughing it in "shelter".

- tonight when I put trigger down. He cupped my face and said "I love you mommy. You are beautiful." I said "thank you trigger. You are so sweet". He didnt stop there "even if you wear green pants and a green shirt ad green underwear, I will still think you are beautiful". Lol! Love him. Even though he can be sooooo difficult, he can also be incredibly sweet.

-i forgot to post that at supper on Sunday night, Campbell said "mommy, your hair is gray." I said "what?!?! No it is not!" He looked a little confused at why I reacted that way. Then he said "no. It's not gray. It's white!"
Maybe i should take a better look at my hair. Or do some color games with Campbell! :)
-on a completely different subject, I turned on a netflix movie while I folded clothes tonight. I think it was called "the fifth quarter". I wasn't even intending on paying much attention to it. Oh my goodness. Don't even watch. Or do watch it. But only if you want to cry your eyes out because it was sad. Very sad. In fact, it's one of those that leaves you with a pit in your stomach feeling like its happened to you. I'm glad I watched it. Makes me even more thankful for my punkish behaving children.

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Battle of the wills

Well. The title says it all. We are having a major battle of wills over here. I'm a afraid that our precious first born got a double dose of stubbornness from his momma and daddy. Combine that with major independence (true first born) and you have a very sticky parenting situation. I kid but its really been a tough couple of weeks. Sickness. Behavior. I'm on the verge of throwing my hands up and waving the white flag. But I can't. Because my two babies are still really sick. Wheezing. Low grade fever. I'm trying to not be THAT mom but its hard when you lay your 2 year old down to change his pull-up and he says "I can't breathe".
We have been using lots of albuterol.
Our day:
Matt went to church and I stayed home with the sickly little children..well, 2 are sick. One was just irritable.
Larkin walked everywhere. She's now walking across rooms. And she's always carrying something. Today, she carried around the ciprodex for over half of her waking hours. I kid you not!!! Might I mention that that medicine is around 120 dollars for that little bottle. But, my baby is sick. She gets what she wants. Aw, who am I kidding. She pretty much always gets what she wants.

Walking. Walking. Walking.
I finally had a girl and she choses to play with boy toys and steals the boys cups.

Breathing treatments...Because I have two wheezy children who can't seem to fight off chest congestion without albuterol.

Lots of temperature taking. Now I am weird in that I hate HATE ear thermometers. HATE. We are rectal temp people. No. Not for me and Matt. Yuck. But for our kids, yes. However, trigger is past the point of doing that without it being a little creepy. So we opt for the ear. I know it's never accurate. And I cram that thing down in their ears. NOT accurate!

More breathing treatments and a tad bit of cuddle time. I just realized how strange this pic is. I don't know the last time Matt and I have sat on this couch together. We never use our couch. It could be because its old, ugly and highly uncomfortable!!!! We desperately need new den furniture but we are trying to hold out a little longer. Want to know why? We will use tonight as an example. Trigger wiped his nose on our chair. Then Campbell teeteed all over the chair almost immediately afterwards. I feel like we might just have to burn it when we are done. Yuck.

After we got the kids down, I made it back to my closet to finish up some things I have been working on. When I tell you that I don't have time to do this, I do NOT have time. I think I have about 8 loads of laundry to fold and more to wash. We are at the point where we have to walk ACROSS the house to get a towel...Its really getting serious over here. Did that just sound a little first world struggle to you?! Ha!
Anyway, I shucked my responsibilities. And finished making larkins dress. I made the boys these appliqué shirts about a month ago. It had been bothering me that Larkin wouldn't match! Why? I don't know. Maybe because I'm materialistic. I don't know why. I just like for my three to match when they can. I really don't have much longer with trigger. He's so tall that he's on the brink of looking ridiculous in shirts like these. I LOVE how the dress turned out. Super easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's it. It's been really boring day...well, boring in that there haven't been any good blog material going on today...unless you consider constantly battling your child over. EVERY. SINGLE. THING! If you like that sort of thing, come on over, you should be highly entertained!

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Saturday, February 23, 2013

A little bit of nothing.

Today has not been my finest of days. In fact, poor Matt and Liz (and maybe a friend or two) were getting ranting texts from me ALL day. It was rough. And that doesn't even begin I describe. I will say this. I think I would've rather gone to the dentist than do this day over.
Larkin is still not feeling well and had low grade fever again tonight. AND I think I heard wheezing.
The boys are past the 24 hr fever mark but still have horrible coughs.
I don't feel particularly skippy.
Lets recap the day. We got up. All earlier than I cared to. Trigger always wakes around 5/530. Campbell and Larkin usually will sleep until 730/8 but both were up at 645 (or maybe earlier...I'm a hard sleeper so I might have slept through them for a little while. I know, right? I must be a horrible mom!)
We all got dressed. And I use that term "dressed" lightly Bc I'm not sure our attire would fall into the "dressed" category. Apologies to all people we saw today.
We loaded up to go get some was sort of a necessity Bc we had no food.
At some point, Campbell came up to me and wanted me to take his picture. :)

Then I remembered that my darling daughter had thrown up in her complicated carseat. Which I had not put back together. Because my husband is awesome and knew me, he KNEW that I wouldn't be able to get the carseat put back together with three sick children. So, he drove back home around 6am and dropped off his carseat outside.
What would have been even more awesome? If he had installed it in my car as well. So I realized last min that I needed to latch it in. I left all the kids in the mud room. I was having some issues with the carseat. Could it have been that it weighs as much as a small adult. Or maybe that my children kept beating on the door. Then I heard trigger, momma. Momma. Momma. Come here. I walk over. Frustrated from the car seat issues. I go inside and Campbell had climbed up on top of our laundry room counter and was thumbing through our mail slots...which contain everything but mail! It is truly a treasure chest for kids! I helped him down and literally said (in a uncommonly used calm voice) "Campbell don't climb up on the counter." And I turned to go back outside.
MELTDOWN central! Campbell was wailing. Then Larkin started wailing Bc I looked her direction but did not pick her up... How dare I?!
Get the carseat in and then went to changed shoes...while Campbell followed me screaming "I want your hair!!!!!!!!!!" Over and over.

I sat down to put on my shoes and he was happy for two seconds Bc he had my hair to twirl...he stands behind me and twirls it...I'm not sure if I should be all like "awwww" or if I should sign him up for some kind of therapy. Oh and i asked why he was crying " made me so sad". Hes learning to express hisself....finally. Now if we can teach him to skip the whole crying, snotty, meltdown and just go straight to the "here's the problem I'm having with you"
We got our donuts. Took some coffee to Matt. The children acting like angels for that 2 minutes...naturally.
I came home to work on kool kids while Larkin napped but she didnt nap.

So I loaded everyone up and went to Walmart. Bc all crazy people with 3 sick kids head that direction!!! That is a TRUE statement! Because no sane people do that! It was 40 minutes of crying and complete and total embarrassment. In fact, I'm not going to relive the details because it would be boring and because I left there understanding why so many moms end up in dr Phil as closet drinkers. It's because they took their kids to Walmart! On a Saturday. While they were sick.
And for those of you that are mad because I spread germs, I really look down on people who did that BUT, someone got my people sick Bc they sent their snotty children to school. AND technically, mine were 24 hours fever free AT the time. Until Larkin had fever come back tonight. Anyway, doesn't matter. We did it. I didnt have a choice. My spouse is working nonstop and we had no milk, bread or fruit...

Sorry if this grosses you out. But for those that don't know what ear drainage looks like every time your child gets an ear infection after have surgery to get tubes, THIS is an example. Yuck! This came out of larkins ear today.

I left Walmart and was no longer laughing about my difficult day. I was on the verge of tears. And I don't cry. Like ever. Unless I'm pregnant. But mostly it never happens. The Walmart trip was just that bad. Then, we were headed home and my little angel did what we, with little children, all dread! She fell asleep in the car. Since my children are not adaptable, they can't really be transferred. So, she had refused morning nap. And this was the second and last attempt. Sigh

Random but I found this picture below of my niece. We have all thought Larkin is a mixture of Matt and Anna grace but after seeing this picture, I'm just not so sure anymore.

I have to end on a happy note! Because my parents love me soooooooo much and were probably a tiny bit concerned about my stability, they offered to come keep the kids so that Matt and I could run to supper. Let me tell you. I am NOT a high maintenance person. Really! That's the truth. I'm not. You give me an hour with my husband to decompress, and I am back on track. We had a quick supper at log cabin.
Never underestimate what one hour away from your children can do for your mind!!!

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Friday, February 22, 2013

I just don't know

How much more I can take of this sickness. We were back at gc again this morning. Waited an hour. This time we did leave with an antibiotic for all. Triggers pattern of low grade fever for 5ish days and then going up to almost 103 concerned her. She said thinks all of us started with cold and our bodies are just doing different things. She thinks ts is a sinus infection. Ts cough sounds HORRIBLE. In fact, he threw up yesterday. And I don't know if I have told y'all this...okay yes I know I have told you but I'm going to tell you again... He is a mean sick person. Sickness and trigger don't make a good pair. He doesn't do the laying around. He just turns mean and angry.

Campbell cough sounds worse than triggers. But be hasn't run fever in days.
Larkin- her lungs were clear. Ptl! But her left ear is infected and her right tube is clogged. Apparently my child has thicker than normal fluid sooo they get clogged easily. So, one ear gets hydrogen peroxide drops three times a day. The other ear gets antibiotic drops. This doesn't work well for someone who still gets a teeny tiny bit confused about left and right. So, she got an antibiotic. And we also discussed her immune deficiency. She will be tested again in may. If things aren't better, "we will have to discuss long term" which sounded a little more serious than I wanted to hear today. We might be on preventive antibiotics and I'm not sure what else. Anyway, that's neither here nor there...point is that we got antibiotics today. And I hate to be the drug seeker parent but I want to walk in and say "give me the juice". OR "shoot up amongst us Bc somebody's got to have some relief." Neither would sound right coming from my mouth. I'm pretty sure dr Slusher would fall out of her chair if I said something along those lines. However, after 8 long days of three whiny children cooped up in my house, I was ready to walk down that hall announcing something.
Oh and Larkin peed all down my shirt and jeans while we were there.
And all over the floor...puddled up ...the diameter of a kitchen chair seat.
And it splattered all over my Kelly moore bag.
AND, got on and in my shoe.
I've got to hand it to her, that's some nice bladder control to hold all of that in!
I think she'll most definitely end up a teacher.

When we came home, we all changed clothes to rid ourselves of the germs. Trigger took it upon himself to change Campbell's clothes. Which is fine with me. I need all the help I can get. However, I am pretty sure c got slapped around a few times for not listening. :(

And a few seconds later, they changed clothes again. I do no wonder why I have so much laundry.
I KNOW!!!!

Watched a little more tv...and napped. I wish I could say I napped Bc these people are wearing me OuT! But I didnt. I argued and fussed and tried to stay calm with my 4.5 yr old. :)

Matt came home a little early Bc he bought a gun that we had to pick up in homer. Why did he need a new gun...oh you know...gun control. It was a good deal. Gotta get it while I can Bc you won't be able to find one next week. It was really my version of what I say to him about buying kids clothes. But I don't think he realized that I knew that! And I certainly wasn't going to let him in on my tactics.
My babies didnt feel great but wanted to go and I really needed to get out of the house. So we rode in the car. When we got there, my husband was in the store for approximately 38.5 minutes. Not that I was counting. Larkin had had it! DONE! So I fed her goldfish. Bc all good mommas keep old ziploc bags of goldfish in their diaper bag. I would know she was ready for another by the picture below. Love that little hand! This kept her entertained.

The only problem was that when we were headed back home from homer, she had a coughing fit (and you really should've heard the three of was like a pediatric coughing ward!) and she kind of spit up. Then she coughed again and threw up. And coughed again. And threw up. Soooo...we WERE headed to pick up Johnny's but we had to make a quick detour to drop me and Larkin off at our house. I unlatched the carseat and just carried her and the carseat into the laundry room. Got her undressed and bathed.

Then, I commenced to taking that britax carseat apart. Let me just say, I now know why they are the best and most expensive carseats. I'll have to hire an engineer to put it back together. I have never taken apart such a difficult seat. I was a master at the infant carrier. Poop out. Throw up. Spit up. No problem. Changed in no time. Britax, no ma'am. It's going to be a long project. Thankfully, we have another seat just like it so I can use it for a guide.

I've now handed out two decongestants, two antibiotics, three doses of Motrin, ear antibiotic drops, hydrogen peroxide, albuterol breathing treatment, pulmacort breathing treatment, and just finished breastfeeding my baby. I think I am done for today.

People don't prepare you that there will be days like this when you become mom!

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

It’s raining, it’s pouring

one kid down

another kid down

and now, the last one is DOWN for the count.

this is the most confusing illness/virus/whatever-you-want-to-call-it.  it’s like we see a ray of sunshine and think we are in the clear, make it past the 24 hour mark and BAM, fever.  Trigger had 101.2 temp today after just having 100.5 yesterday.  AND, baby girl has now gone from snotty to full blown sick.  cough and fever of 101.7.  it really is just too much.  I need a break.  a huge break.  I have been dealing with these offspring for 7 days…7 irritable days.  and I have to clarify that Trigger (though I love him dearly) is the worst sick child ever.  grumpy. like I hate to admit what I said yesterday to my husband, but I am going to tell you.  Trigger started running low grade fever…he was laying around and looked pitiful.  I gave him some motrin and within the next hour, he came alive.  felt just good enough to do something but didn’t feel like playing.  instead, he used his energy to irritate the daylights out of his siblings (yes, this is normal but he took it to a whole new level) and yell at me.  So, I made the comment to matt on the phone that I sort of wished that I had just let the low grade fever ride and skipped the dose of motrin.  APARENTLY, I did not learn my lesson because it was a case of rinse and repeat today….except with a little higher fever.  If I get yelled at one more time because I wont give him chocolate, I am going to pull a kevin leaman on him and send him out to the back patio for a little while.  Like we usually sit around all day and eat chocolate?!?!  I will survive but I must say…this is NOT worth me getting to have a week of being in my pajamas. No, thank you…I think Id rather be dressed in hose, spanx, and a dress with heels. 

Matt did come home yesterday and asked me if the boys had watched tv all day…and I replied “YES” with a look on my face that clearly said “you better not utter another thing about it, mister, or you are staying home tomorrow”…no, not really…I didn’t give him a look. 

photo 3


Last week, I got an email informing me that zulily would be selling toms the next wednesday (which was yesterday).  I was super excited.  We have only owned one pair…but they haven’t even been worn because my parents bought them for Larkin to wear this summer.  I knew these would be a big seller so I set a reminder on my zulily app.  when it came up yesterday morning, I got all stressed out…my palms got a little sweaty.  I know that’s ridiculous but that’s the sort of thing that sends me into a tailspin.  not world peace, nope…it’s a discounted pair of shoes that will do it every time!  Once I got onto to the app, it kept crashing.  I finally got to see what they had….and in true Garson fashion, I could make a decision.  I have to be the most indecisive person ever.  I measured the boys feet to see what size to order them.  I bought the boys gray toms to match.  size 9 for campbell.  I can’t remember what size I got for trigger.  well, after I had paid.  I started thinking that 9s sounded rather large.  I KNEW that campbell was still wearing two pair of tennis shoes…one that is a 6.5 and one that is a 7 (new balance…which runs small).  I can’t remember what any of his other shoes are but I knew those were his tennis shoe sizes.  so I measured his foot again and sure enough, I had gotten confused somehow.  he only need a size 7.5 for toms.  how in the world I thought it was 9s, I have no clue.  anyway, I placed another order…thinking that I will just save the 9s until he grows into them.  im sure that was a completely exhilarating story, wasn’t it.   and, the story doesn’t stop there.  I had gone back and forth about if I should order some for Larkin but again, didn’t know what size.  I have the size 4s that my parents bought.  I tried them on and they were HUMONGOUS.  since I couldn’t decide, I just didn’t order her any.  placed two orders to get the boys correct ones…then I decided that Larkin really HAD TO HAVE some.  so, I placed a third order for larkin a pair of red toms….because don’t all little girls need an extra pair of red shoes?  and just a little FYI, if you place an order at zulily, all other orders that are placed that day, are free shipping.  see!  I learned something by placing three orders!

btw, you can still get on there and order fact, I think they have added more styles today. 

this picture has nothing to do with the above story…but I did think it was funny.  larkin is very familiar with breathing treatments…she even plays with the machine like it’s a toy. 

photo 1

Yesterday when I went to check the mail, I was so excited when I had a box.  Matt makes fun of me for getting packages in the mail so often…im really not sure if that is the right way to put it…he’s not really poking fun.  he tries to make it out as poking fun but in truth, I think it’s his way at saying “are you really getting something else in the mail today?”  My boys think that the mailman is the greatest man in the world because he just brings all of these clothes and shoes and puts them in our mailbox.  they have no clue.  I wish the mailman did that…wouldn’t that be awesome…unless you had a very unstylish mailman, then that wouldn’t be very good.  Anyway, I had been looking forward to this package since october when I placed the order.  I had seen that this company hand makes dolls…you costume order your doll and they add a patch that has whatever you want on it.  I knew from the moment I found out that we were having a girl that I wanted Larkin to have one.  Well, I finally got around to ordering it in october, thinking that I could give it to Larkin for Christmas.  Christmas came and went and no doll.  Then I thought, I’ll give it to her birthday.  that came and went to.  When it came yesterday, I thought that I should probably put it up and let the Easter bunny bring it but I just couldn’t do it.  I gave it to her.  She has mixed feelings about it which is totally fine with me…it’s about to be my doll bc I love it!  I will sleep with it! ha!


photo 4Last night, I was flying around trying to clean up before matt got home…to cover up that we had been in our pjs and watching tv all day. :) Campbell said “mommy, will you come lay with me…please come sit with me”.  I had one more thing that I had to put up…he sat in that chair and waited so patiently.  I sat down and he put his arm around me and said “I think we should take a picture”.  And, then I felt like my halo got brighter…I MUST be doing an awesome job because he wants to cuddle and willingly take pictures.  Wow, I must be doing something right.  And I think about a second or two later, I was yelled at for something and he was mad and the moment was over and he really didn’t want to speak to anyone for the rest of the night.  But, for a moment, I felt good about my parenting.  photo 2

Have a great Thursday…I must go figure out what we will be eating for supper.  I don’t think we can eat cereal another night. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Things I shouldn’t say…completely inappropriate!

Okay…once again I have lots of random thoughts in my head of things I want to blog and remember. 

The first of which is a completely inappropriate story to be told on my blog on the internet but you know I am not one to hide things (stems from lots of childhood secrets) so here it goes…and maybe you should just keep this little story to yourself since Matt will probably die of humiliation if he knew that I posted this…before I get started I need to explain a couple of things: 1. we have tried our hardest to not make body parts a huge deal.  we call them their real names and they are a normal part of daily conversation..hello?!  I have two boys…and boys are just obsessed with their parts…so they are talked about.  at first I thought this was a wonderful parenting thing on my part because I was doing exactly what dr humphries taught me in our development/early childhood ed classes.  However, now that the boys are more verbal and out in public more, I think I might regret this parenting decision.  For this story, for the sake of blog etiquette,  I will just use the abbreviation for the parts.  (Let it be noted that I am not comfortable with girl part terminology…haven’t decided what to do about that)  2. Campbell is full of it.  he is two…this story just proves that you can’t believe in 3/4 of what he says. 

now that I have completely built it up, here it is:

This conversation happened in my pantry this morning BEFORE we even had milk/breakfast (so way too early):

Campbell: Daddy doesn’t have a P.

Me: Yes he does have one, Campbell

Campbell: No he doesn’t

Trigger:  Yes he does.  Campbell, you can’t drink that gatorade.  That’s daddy’s.  Do you remember.  Daddy had surgery on his P. and he drank that Gatorade.

Seriously…that was the conversation.  I feel like that deserves some type of explanation so you aren’t left with a million questions.  Matt did have a proceedure..snip snip…so that we will not bring any more children into this lovely world…not that we could because if you recall, we have fertility issues…LOL.  (exhibit c- Larkin, proof that that’s not necessarily true).  However, I can assure you that Matt has all parts.  I mean why in the world was that even on my boys minds this morning?!?

IMG_1671(Larkin looks so big in the picture below)IMG_1677



I felt like I should list a few things that I love right now: 

a. my new book, Sparkling Green Earrings…I love it. 

b. matt is in a small group on Friday mornings….they have met together for years (6 yrs maybe). After many bible studies, they decided to start reading through the Bible.  I think most of the wives are doing it too.  I am loving it.  I won’t lie (because that would be horrible to lie about the Bible), I am really behind but I am still loving it.  I will get caught up soon!

c. Trigger’s age-  He is difficult in that he has an attitude and is super independent.  BUT, he is so fun to take places.  He loves to learn.  He is just fun to be around…especially when there are no siblings around to compete with. 

d. Ice cream…not just any ice cream…it’s a new kind by blue bell.  It’s Mint Cookies and Cream.  It is right behind mint choc chip from baskin robbins (which will always be held up on an ice cream pedestal because it is just THAT good). 


IMG_1734IMG_1738IMG_1754IMG_1765(these pictures were taken yesterday after we got home from the dr.  I sent the boys back to change out of their germy clothes while I changed larkin into something more comfortable…Trigger dressed Campbell in his all time favorite outfit.  Sweet big brother)IMG_1782

Our sickness update:  well…I really, really, really, really  wanted trigger to go to school today.  BUT, I quickly realized (before my feet hit the ground this morning) that that would not be my reality today.  His cough sounded awful and I could tell in his eyes that he just didn’t feel good at all.  So, we stayed home.  And don’t feel too sorry for me…even though I have had more than my share of listening to crying children over the last 4-5 days…but, I just took a shower at 1 and put pajamas BACK ON.  Don’t even roll your eyes because lets be honest, you know that everyone loves a good pajama day…in my case, it just happens to be that I have had quite a few of them lately with all this sickness.  If it makes you hate me any less, the pajamas have about 80% snot coverage. 

Trigger also has run low grade temp AGAIN today so no school for him again tomorrow.  This is one hum dinger of a run-of-the-mill-cold-virus.  Day 6 of off and on fever, runny nose, etc.  I’m fairly certain that I heard Campbell wheezing while we were laying in the playroom watching Beauty and the Beast this morning.  sigh

oh and Larkin now has thick snot and is running low grade fever.  however, it is still not in her chest which is a huge praise because that is what we were having a problem with until we started the isolation and pulmacort. 

photo 1

And, because I thought it was blog worthy…here is a picture/text that I sent to matt today…I will not win mother of the year for these last few days…lots of tv…but isn’t that what im supposed to do when my children is sick…keep them well rested by rotting their brains.

photo (7)

Now I have to research some pinterest activities for my boys tomorrow. I am pretty sure they will be needing some kind of organized activity by tomorrow!

Picky eater; under the weather

So a couple of days ago, As I was attempting to feed her some baby food (which she hates but I feel like its my motherly duty to get fruits and Veges down her throat and she will have nothing to do with the real baby food it is), Larkin kept grabbing the jar and bringing it to her mouth and trying to drink it. So, I let her. She drank about 3/4 a jar. When I tell you that is shocking , that is shocking. I think she has only eaten a whole jar of baby food in one sitting about a dozen times. And we try every time we sit down. Sooo, this was a huge break through.

Because of this, I decided to buy some of those baby food pouches. My boys ate baby food but neither would touch the pouches. I sat down and put it to her mouth. She devoured it in seconds. Seriously. Seconds. My mouth was almost on the floor. Shocked!!!!! And she has done that lunch and supper yesterday and today. I hope it continues.

The boys are still a little under the weather. I was kind of glad that we didnt have school yesterday for trigger so that I didnt have to make the choice about whether he should go. Around mid afternoon, he started complaining of his throat. I went ahead and called to make an appt with dr Slusher for both boys.
I kept them both home today until we saw Slusher. There were lots of tears today. And lots of cuddling. And "I wan you to holl me". "I want to play with your hairrrr" bless his heart.

I knew with 99% certainty what dr slusher was going to say. I just knew it. But the boys were both coughing and I didnt want to send them to school until we got an all clear.

So we waited and waited. Like get our diagnosis of "virus". Absolutely no shock! We went and got icees because isn't that what you always do after a doctors appointment?!
On our way home, trigger and Campbell were telling a story about poppys truck and arguing over whether something was poppys or uncle Seth's. out of the blue, I hear Larkin saying "pa-pai". Yep. She can say poppy. She still doesn't even say "mama". Of course I called my parents immediately. Liz was a little upset and blamed the whole thing on me Bc I'm obviously not talking about her enough. ;)

YouTube Video

And the boys got an all clear to go back to school tomorrow. We've been fever free for over 24 hrs so unless something happens between now and then, trigger is going (c doesn't go on Wednesdays or I'd send him too). Mama needs a break...even if i still have 2, it's a break!
I'm off to dreamland. My husband is sound asleep. He is TIRED. Workin too many hours. I know he is already worn down.


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