Saturday, September 11, 2010

Soooo behind…

I wish I were one of those people that blogged nightly about their day but I just can’t seem to get it together enough to do that so I’m always running behind on posting pictures and end up doing this kindof post.  I am going to post a few pictures from our lives lately….these are pictures that don’t really deserve a whole post to themselves but of course are precious pictures so I have to include them on the blog!

First of all, guess who was looking at this book…NOPE, not Matt!  Haha…Trigger has destroyed this book! :(

Campbell in Bumbo 102 Trigger had to have a nap mat for Mother’s Day out so I went to the Children’s Shoppe to get one…I think this one is adorable and just perfect for him since he loves any and all vehicles!!!  It has a pillow attached with construction trucks.  I showed it to him right after he had gotten up from nap at our house…he sat down on it immediately and Liz and I tried to explain what it was for.  We told him to lay down on it and put his head on the pillow.  His response was, “I sit…I sit”.  Ha…I’ll let him take that up with his teacher! :)

Campbell in Bumbo 105 Campbell in Bumbo 106 Matt bought one of those keurig coffee machines for his office and I thought I would be creative.  I cut holes to make it like a box you wear…I just knew Trigger was going to love it…he did NOT…instead he crawled in it.  Glad I wasted my time!

Campbell in Bumbo 095Campbell in Bumbo 098  Look at that precious smile! I could just eat Campbell up!  And, he has dimples just like Trigger and Sydney!

Campbell in Bumbo 070 Tummy time

Campbell in Bumbo 079b Campbell in Bumbo 085 Trigger mowing with his daddy

Trigger with Woody figurine 080 Trigger with Woody figurine 088 My parents with First National on their annual trip…My dad is on the board.  They went to Jackson Hole, Wyoming.  While they were there, they bought the boys some surprises.  These are two of the ones they brought to Trigger…a raccoon hat and a Yellowstone park ranger vest.  He LOVES the vest because it has so many “pocs” (pockets) to put things in.

Campbell in Bumbo 154 Campbell in Bumbo 160  My sweet little sleeping monkey!

Campbell in Bumbo 142 Sweet brothers

Campbell in Bumbo 109 Campbell in Bumbo 110 Playing “pattacake”

Campbell in Bumbo 118 Campbell in Bumbo 120 And a little love…

Campbell in Bumbo 122 Campbell in Bumbo 136 What?  I’m not doing anything, Mom!  What?  My car?  Oh…is it on Campbell?  Sorry…I didn’t mean for my hand to slip and make it drive on him AGAIN!

Campbell in Bumbo 137 More Bumbo time…he really has only been in it a few times but seems like more since I’m posting them all together.  He does love being in it though because he LOVES sitting up and looking around but I have to sit RIGHT there or you know who will come and push him over or tackle him OR drive a tractor/car/truck on him!  I just realized that these pictures were taken almost a month ago so he was only 2-2.5 months old in most of these pictures.

Trigger with Woody figurine 089 Trigger with Woody figurine 092 Trigger with Woody figurine 100 Trigger with Woody figurine 104 we LOVE woody

Trigger with Woody figurine 116 I’m going to stop there because it is going to take FOREVER for it to post this many pictures…I will work on more posts later and TRY to get caught up soon!  I HATE being behind!

1 comment:

Emery Wilkerson said...

Trigger looks so cute in that visor on the last few pictures!! Like a little man!