Monday, September 20, 2010


Zizzy and Poppy bought Trigger his first baseball glove while they were in Houston a few weeks ago.  I thought that was PERFECT that my dad (with his LOVE for baseball) bought him his first glove!!!  By the way, have you noticed the name change from Izzy to Zizzy.  Trigger calls Liz “zizzy” now and I think it is absolutely PRECIOUS! Soooo…I guess she will be zizzy until someone corrects him but it won’t be me and I don’t think it will be Liz because she likes “Zizzy” too! Anyway, back to the glove…oh and they bought him some baseballs too…they are a little softer than the real thing.  Matt took Trigger outside a couple of weeks ago to try out his new glove.  I got to go with them to take pictures because Campbell was actually taking a nap in his bed.

Matt had to show Trigger how to put the glove on his hand ONCE and then he could do it himself.

Vanna's shower and trigger's first glove 160Two of my precious, TOUGH boys. (I had to throw in “tough” since this is a post about baseball…I don’t think I should be using the word “precious to describe them when they are playing sports.  Haha)

Vanna's shower and trigger's first glove 161 Look at him…he’s so happy to have the attention of both of us…PLUS he’s outside…PLUS he had a ball in his hand!

Vanna's shower and trigger's first glove 162  Look at that throw…He’s going PRO for SURE!

Vanna's shower and trigger's first glove 164 However, this sweet boy may not make it into the pros with that throw…haha!  Just kidding…kindof!

Vanna's shower and trigger's first glove 165 Trigger got distracted of course and decided it was fun to throw the ball down the hill towards the road! :)

Vanna's shower and trigger's first glove 180 Vanna's shower and trigger's first glove 181He’s proud of himself for making his daddy have to run after the ball.

Vanna's shower and trigger's first glove 183  Vanna's shower and trigger's first glove 190 And every professional baseball player loves his mommy, right?

Vanna's shower and trigger's first glove 193 Oh how I can’t wait to be living at the ballpark with my two boys.  I hope they love the game like the rest of my family does.  If not, they are going to have one sad Poppy!

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