Monday, September 27, 2010


Last Monday, I was walking from our den into our kitchen when I happened to look down and see this bug.  I bent down and confirmed that yes it was a bug…not just any ordinary bug.  This thing was weird…it was kindof like a cross between a centipede and a scorpion…YUCK…YUCK…YUCK.  I really wasn’t sure if it was alive but was kind of thinking that it was not because I was moving all around it and it didn’t move.  I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a tupperware to trap it with because I thought if it was dead, I would trap it and show our bug man.  Well, as soon as I got the tupperware on top of it, it went CRAZY…running circles around the perimeter of the container.  Soooo…what did I do?  I called my sweet hubby.  And because he’s so wonderful, he came home at lunch and rescued me from the 2 inch long bug…probably wasn’t really 2 inches but I’ve never been very good at eyeballing measurements.  Matt had never seen such a bug before either.  I did have Matt take pictures.  You can’t really tell much from the pictures but here’s one for you.

Matt and Trigger- matching 001YUCK!

Anyway, my strong, brave husband got rid of that nasty bug for me!  Then, Matt spent a few minutes with Trigger.  While they were playing, I realized that they looked so cute together because their clothes matched.

Matt and Trigger- matching 004  Matt and Trigger- matching 007 Matt and Trigger- matching 018 I’m so in love with my sweet husband.  And the way he teaches and guides our children makes me love him more and more every day.  I’m so thankful for his leadership in our family!

And aren’t these two boys looking cute together!

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