Saturday, September 18, 2010

a few random things/pictures

- Trigger is obsessed with his paci and “B” (red blankie).  He wants them all the time but he only gets his paci only when he’s in bed.  I was so stressed about getting rid of it but I’m thinking that we will face that battle a little later…he has too many other changes going on right now.  I’m thinking our new goal is 3 years. :(  I have to share this picture because it speaks volumes.  Last week I asked Matt to keep an eye on Trigger while I took Campbell to the back and took a shower.  Before I headed to the back, I asked Matt if he knew where Trigger had headed off to…Matt took off searching and then yelled my name.  This is what I saw.

Swimming with Faith and Sadie 045 Swimming with Faith and Sadie 046 Matt had gone outside for something and had not shut the back door all the way…and Matt had been outside in the attic earlier and still hadn’t put the attic door up…BAD COMBINATION.  A few more minutes and he would’ve been playing hide and seek IN THE ATTIC!  OH MY WORD!  The reason I posted this is for two reasons: 1. So you can see that EVEN if he is climbing up to get in the attic, he will try to take his “B” and paci with him (and rubber boots). 2. to show you why I am so exhausted by the end of the day…dealing with Trigger!

- My brother and his wife are having their first child (due at the end of October).  I was trying to think of little tid-bits to tell them that people had told me.  One that I told them…and this is SOOOOOO important so listen up if you are a new mom or a mom-to-be…My great friend Michelle is an Ob nurse and had to take a course on car seats (and I’m sure some other things)…it was the same course that police officers and fire fighters have to take.  TWO things stand out from what Michelle told me: 1. Make sure you ALWAYS put the bar/handle of the car seat BACK when you are riding in the car.  This is because rear facing car seats were designed in a car crash to fly back towards the seat they are sitting in to create a shell of sorts to protect your baby.  If that bar is still in carrying position, the car seat will NOT be able to make the shell.  VERY IMPORTANT! 2. BUCKLE YOUR CHILD IN TIGHT…if you do this from the very beginning, they will not know any differently.  Trigger never fusses about it and he fusses about everything else under the sun!  They say you should be able to pinch any extra strap on the shoulder.  Liz makes so much fun of me for this because I yank and yank until it is SNUUUUG!!!!!  I hope this helps you…I just figured that alot of you didn’t know those car seat tips!


- Campbell started speech therapy on Friday because of his clicking while eating.  I’m sorry if this offends you in anyway but it was an absolute waste of my time.  I will try it for a couple of weeks and then we may opt out!

- Trigger goes to Mother’s Day Out on Tuesday and Thursday and is now going to Matt’s parents for half a day Friday.  I realize that this may sound ridiculous but I do NOT like him being gone that much.  I only get a few years with my child before he is gone every day of the week…and I did not stay home to send him off every day.  :(

- We are in the process of building a shop…or actually we are having it built…we are NOT tackling that ourselves!  Anyway, we had to have someone (Bobby Smith) come in to bring dirt and to build up the pad.  Of course he had to bring his bulldozer!  Trigger was BEYOND excited…he LOVES tractors, bulldozers, etc.  We let him go out one evening to see Mr. Bobby’s bulldozer.

Vanna's shower and trigger's first glove 078Vanna's shower and trigger's first glove 084 Vanna's shower and trigger's first glove 095 I let Trigger eat lunch one day while watching Mr. Bobby work…if you need dirt work done, you should definitely call him. He was the MOST reliable person I have worked with in a long, long time!

Vanna's shower and trigger's first glove 051

- Since starting Mother’s Day Out, he has started climbing out of his crib.  The first time being two Sundays ago…Matt was taking a shower and I was getting ready when all of the sudden Trigger comes flying through the bathroom doors with his “b” in his hand saying “I got out..i got out”.  I just replied “yes, you did” and tried not to make a big deal about it so maybe he wouldn’t do it again.  It was about a week later when he finally climbed out again.  In fact, Matt went to get him one morning and he was laying behind the door…he couldn’t escape because I put a safety handle on his door knob.  Last weekend, we started letting him nap in his big boy bed.  And for the first two nights, he has slept in his big boy bed…but has woken up around 2 both nights and Matt has put him back in his crib.  Last night was his third night and he slept all night without waking up.  He no longer has the option to move to the crib because Matt moved Trigger’s crib to Campbell’s room….and we sold Campbell’s crib.  I was not smart…when we found out we were having another baby, I decided that we would buy another crib because we were not going to move Trigger to a big boy bed until we had to (climbing out).  It was very stressful to get the crib I wanted because the store in West Monroe took our money and then gave us the run around.  Well I finally bought the crib (Munire Newport Old World in Espresso…LOVE IT) and had Campbell’s nursery looking all nice.  Campbell still hasn’t slept in there because I have been scared that he would wake up Trigger.  Since Trigger is now in the big boy bed, I decided that there was NO need in us having two cribs.  So, we sold our new one.  It kind of made me sad but Campbell never even slept in it.  Now, the boys will have shared a crib and the crib we have (Munire Newport) will be very special to our family!

- As part of Trigger’s OT that we started this week, we have started “brushing” him twice a day and doing joint compressions so MAYBE…just maybe…this will help.  Hey, I can dream, can’t I?!?

- Campbell is still feeding every three hours during the day…I can’t seem to stretch him much further than that and sometimes it’s hard to stretch it to three hours.  We are having a hard time getting into a napping routine.  One day it seems as though I have finally figured things out and then the next day Campbell will have nothing to do with that schedule OR I have to go to someone’s therapy or take Trigger to Mother’s Day Out.  I am learning that things are alot different with a second child.  I thought that this time things would be easier because we would have some clue as to what to do with a child…and I guess in that way it is easier but now we have to schedule Campbell around Trigger and Trigger around Campbell.  I do have to say that Campbell is doing GREAT at night.  He has made it 8-10 hours for about a week now!  I probably just jinxed myself.  Haha!

Vanna's shower and trigger's first glove 070

- Trigger LOVES puzzles…if you sit with him to help keep him on task, he is really good at putting them together.  Here is a picture of him working these new puzzles that I bought for him.  They are “my first jigsaw” puzzles.  I have never seen these before and I LOVE THEM…..what a great transition to big boy puzzles.

Trigger meeting MDO teacher 024 Trigger meeting MDO teacher 025 Trigger meeting MDO teacher 028 I had found all of the pieces to one of Trigger’s puzzle inside his fourwheeler and told him that I needed him to go put them back..seriously thought: 1. he won’t listen at all. OR 2. he’ll go through them over in the corner in the direction of the puzzles.  I was so surprised a little later when I found this..

Vanna's shower and trigger's first glove 101 I was pretty impressed that he listened AND that he could complete the puzzle correctly.  All the pieces are the same shape and size.  He has to use some great visual discrimination to figure out this puzzle.

-It is so fun to watch Trigger and Campbell together.  I just know they are going to be best buds!Trigger meeting MDO teacher 032 –On September 1st (Campbell was 3 months old), Campbell rolled over for the first time and I did not even see it.  I had put him down on his tummy (secretively hoping he would go to sleep so I could get a shower)…I walked out of the room, came back, and he had rolled over.  YAY Campbell.  I feel so guilty because I just realized that I haven’t even attempted to get video of him rolling over.  With Trigger we videoed ALL the time, but we have only videoed Campbell a few times…Poor second child! 

- Trigger had his FIRST bath in our kitchen sink the other day.  It was the day that we went out to see the bulldozer.  He was running in his rubber boots and fell down and bit a huge hole in his tongue.  It has just now healed.  He had blood dripping down his chin…yuck.  Trigger was so brave…he was holding it together until I told him that we would go inside to clean it up.  MELTDOWN!  “Ow-side…ow-side”.  He didn’t care about the blood pouring out of his mouth…he just didn’t want to go inside! Anyway, I cleaned up his mouth and we drank some water. Then, I told him he could take a bath in the sink. He was in HEAVEN…drinking his water and taking a bath WHILE WATCHING TV!  This is the only picture that I can show…

Vanna's shower and trigger's first glove 108 - One of my favorite things as a child was Friday nights.  Most Fridays we had Johnny’s pizza…especially if we had friends over.  My mom would spread out a quilt in the den and we would eat our pizza while watching TGIF.   WHERE HAVE THE GOOD OLE DAYS GONE?  It was something simple…eating in the den but it was so much fun.  We were NEVER allowed food or drinks out of the kitchen EXCEPT on these special nights.  I had the thought…I should do the same for Trigger.  Matt and I went to pick up pizza.  I spread out a blanket.  We ate pizza and watched “Woody” (Toy Story).  Trigger loved it! I love doing special things with him!

Vanna's shower and trigger's first glove 144 Vanna's shower and trigger's first glove 145 Campbell even joined in…but instead of “woody”, he watched daddy.

Vanna's shower and trigger's first glove 155 - Campbell is really developing a little personality and it is so fun!  He has decided that he does not really like to lay down.  He would prefer to sit up and look around.  He’s a busy body…literally, he is.  His legs and arms are CONSTANTLY moving.  I guess that is why he is so little…he works off everything I work to give him! :)  Here he is sitting up with just the help of the boppy.  I was impressed that he could do this!  Oh and notice the very wet outfit…I think a little tooth will be popping up very soon.  Campbell has all the signs and symptoms of teething…and seems to be having a harder time than Trigger did…but that could be because I blocked out all the negative things from Trigger so that he would have a sibling!  Oh and one more thing about my little Campbell, he can POKE that lip out soooo far.  I think he’s better at it than Trigger was!  I think it’s precious…even though he’s sad!

Triggers first day of MDO 001 for my 10 followers (who probably really don’t read this blog..haha), I will quite boring you with my random thoughts!  I hope you are having a great weekend!  Matt and I got alot of work done around the house (beds moved, furniture rearranged, fall/winter clothes for boys down from attic, etc.).  It was soooo nice being home all day and just being able to get things accomplished.  I even had a roast cooking all day….so we even enjoyed a delicious home cooked meal this evening.  YAY for weekends!


Laura and Matt said...

Garson! I sooo didn't know that about the handle bar! AND I am super anal about that stuff! We too buckle in the kids VERY tight-- and get made fun of all the time by our parents:)

Emery Wilkerson said...

Oh how I remember Friday nights at your house with Johnny's Pizza & a blanket on the floor!!!! Good times from our childhood that I will never forget!