Thursday, September 23, 2010

Matching Outfits

This is the first outfit that I had bought the boys that matched.  I wanted to take their pictures before one of them outgrew the outfit.  As you will see in the pictures below, our drama child wasn’t in the most cooperative mood! The pictures will be posted anyway..and they will go in a blog book and I will have them to bring out at a later date…haha…I’m only kidding…sort of! ;)

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And this picture below just SHOUTS “fun times”. HAHA!!!  Poor Matt!

Brothers- matching baseball outfits 088  Brothers- matching baseball outfits 091 Brothers- matching baseball outfits 092 Brothers- matching baseball outfits 095And the torture was OVER…I remember now what the problem was.  We took the pictures on the bottom platform of the playset that Matt is building.  Trigger wanted to climb the steps and we told him “no”…that is why he’s crying in all the pictures…we are so mean!  And he obviously just got up from a nap because he has major bed head!  As I look at these pictures, I am realizing how fast my little Campbell is growing!  So sad!

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