Saturday, September 11, 2010

Mr. Campbell’s Baby Dedication

On August 29, 2010, our church (Temple Baptist) had baby dedication.  I love that our church has a service where we can stand before the church and make a commitment to bring our children up in a God fearing/God loving home.  I feel like I fail at this daily…miss out on opportunities with Trigger to show God’s love to him…especially since I seem to be yelling most of the day…I’m not really but that’s what it feels like. Anyway, we participated in the service with Campbell.  It was fun because there were so many couples that we are friends with participating too. 

Here we are on stage with the rest of the couples…Trigger got to stand with us too…talk about nerve racking.  I really wasn’t worried about Campbell; I was worried about Trigger.  Oh and for the record, Campbell slept through the entire thing…as you can tell in the picture, he is OUT!

Campbell-Baby Dedication 004  And do you see Trigger pointing?  He is pointing at his cousin, Anna Grace.  Annnnddd, he didn’t just point…he yelled out her name too! :)

Campbell-Baby Dedication 007 I hate that I didn’t get more pictures before the service but we were so rushed to feed babies and change diapers that I did not have time for pictures.  And, I don’t even have a close up picture of Campbell in his little Feltman brothers outfit.  He spit up on it as soon as we got home and I changed him quickly.

After church, our whole family (all 22 of them) came over to eat lunch.  I just got some deli meat, croissants (and other fancy bread), broccoli salad (made by matt’s mom), fruit, english pea salad (which was YUMMY and I had not had it in years), and chips.  For dessert, I made a trifle dessert with brownies, pudding (with sweetened condensed milk), cool whip, and butterfinger.  It was so good!  It was a little stressful getting the house cleaned up and everything prepared and displayed for 20+ people (with Campbell and Trigger) but it was so fun having everyone over!  Here are some pictures of everyone and everything.

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Campbell in outfit #2.

Campbell-Baby Dedication 010 Then, I think he tee-teed on outfit #2 so we moved on to outfit #3.

Campbell-Baby Dedication 018 Campbell-Baby Dedication 022 Campbell-Baby Dedication 025 And we all thought this was funny.  While we were cleaning up, I put Toy Story on for Trigger to watch and guess who had to watch it too…that’s right!  another way that Trigger reminds me of Seth…and the reason that I often yell for Seth to come see me when I really mean for Trigger to come! :)

Campbell-Baby Dedication 016 Campbell-Baby Dedication 017

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