Thursday, September 23, 2010


I was just about to go to bed…should’ve been asleep at 9 because both of my boys were in bed and asleep by then.  Instead, I’ve been piddling around and wasting time!  Sometimes I need that though.  Anyway, I literally just brushed my teeth and crawled into bed to go to sleep and starting thinking about all the changes going on around here and there are so many things swirling around in my head that are just precious memories to me that I don’t ever want to forget.  I’m about to document the ones that I can think of right now!

  • This September, Trigger has officially moved to his big boy bed as I mentioned in a previous post.  He has done extremely well with the transition…as wild as that child is, he transitions from one thing to the next GREAT!  The first couple of times he was in his bed, he would get out and try to play with toys.  Matt even found him laying behind the door asleep one morning.  He did wake up for the first couple of nights around 2 AM but easily went back to sleep.  It probably took about 5 naps/5 nights to make complete transition…I’d say that’s pretty good! I am sooooo thankful for my good sleeper.
  • I also transitioned Campbell to his crib in HIS ROOM on Sunday, Sept. 19th.  I didn’t put him in there until 10:15ish because of his feedings.  He cried and fussed.  I stayed in there and laid on the bed in there (yes, we have a twin bed in there…wish we would’ve had one when Trigger was a baby).  Matt was manning the monitor for Trigger from our room.  We were texting back and forth…i was so worried that Campbell’s crying would wake up Trigger.  We had and still have FOUR sound machines.  One is in Trigger’s room and one in the kitchen…those have been there.  We’ve recently added two more.  One for Campbell’s room and one for the hallway between their rooms.  AND, of course we have the vent in the bathroom on.  I grew up with the vent on in our bathroom so I love the sound.  We actually sleep with our vent on too.  Anyway, after about 30-45 minutes of crying/fussing, Campbell went to sleep.  He really NEVER got that upset…not like wailing or anything.  Trigger wailed when we made him cry it out.  Campbell made it until about 3:30 and I got up and fed him and put him right back down and he slept until 10:30.  I was shocked!!!!  The next night, Monday, I cut out a feeding and put him down after his 7:30 feeding.  He did great and made it until 4:30ish.  Feed him, put him back down, and he slept until about 8.  We are starting to get into a routine…YAY!  I have to say that I am a little sad that he’s not back  here with us anymore.  We really liked our time with Campbell after Trigger was in bed.  It was good quality time for Matt and Campbell.  Otherwise he doesn’t really get much time with him because there is so much to be done between 5:30 and 7:30.  So it makes me sad for Matt.  A huge positive is that we actually can watch tv, iron clothes, talk, etc. because we don’t have to tiptoe around a sleeping baby!  I feel like we kind of have a little bit of normalcy back….but then that makes me sad too because I realize that Campbell’s not a newborn anymore…he’s almost four months old.  He’s our last…or so we think.  I’m doubting that these days because Campbell is growing so fast! 
  • I think we are cancelling our speech for Campbell.  I just don’t think we are getting anything out of it and it is KILLING me and screwing up my schedules for the boys to get there at 8:30.  I’m a little aggrevated at the moment…not anyone or anything…just aggravated.  Wednesdays are AWESOME because we don’t go anywhere or have any appointments.  We wake up, play, eat, play, nap, play, eat, church, and bed.  It’s AWESOME…absolutely AWESOME!  This has been our schedule:
    • Monday: Trigger to Liz; Campbell to speech at 8:20 (so morning nap is ruined for Campbell and my house is a wreck from us frantically trying to get out the door that morning.)
    • Tuesday: Trigger to MDO at 9:30 (Morning nap is again messed up because he falls asleep in the car and then is awake when removed from the car)…Trigger pick up from MDO at 2:15 (Afternoon nap is messed up for Campbell for the same reason..or he’s been asleep in his bed for not long and I have to wake him to put him in car seat; Trigger comes home grumpy because he refuses to nap so I have to bring him home and put him in bed which means he sleeps til supper and then he’s not ready to go to bed on time.)
    • Wednesday:  WONDERFUL…WONDERFUL…WONDERFUL…NOTHING PLANNED.  However, I do still have to get ready because we have church at night. 
    • Thursday: Same as Tuesday: Trigger to MDO at 9:30 (Morning nap is again messed up because he falls asleep in the car and then is awake when removed from the car)…Trigger pick up from MDO at 2:15 (Afternoon nap is messed up for Campbell for the same reason..or he’s been asleep in his bed for not long and I have to wake him to put him in car seat; Trigger comes home grumpy because he refuses to nap so I have to bring him home and put him in bed which means he sleeps til supper and then he’s not ready to go to bed on time.)
    • Friday: Matt’s parents still want Trigger so they come get him at 7:50; Campbell to speech at 8:20.  Trigger comes home after lunch so that he can nap at our house for consistency.
      • I hate to sound pathetic but it’s just annoying that I quit my job to get up everyday to get ready and be somewhere or send Trigger off somewhere.  I just want my Monday’s and Friday’s back.  I want Monday and Fridays as no lunch fixin, no make up, play days for me and my boys.  I want Wednesdays as relaxing and going to church.  And Tues/Thursday can be our get ready and go places days.  Now, I may decide to go somewhere on mon, wed, or fri but I don’t want something scheduled for me everyday!  ESPECIALLY when I would love to get my baby on a napping schedule!
  • Campbell does great at going to sleep on his own.  If you sit down in the chair with him to rock…CRIES.  He wants to go ahead and be put down.  So I put him in his crib on his belly ON THE MOTION MONITOR and try to put the paci in and he will scream out…as of right now, he is not feeling the love for the paci.  Instead, he hearts his fingers…mainly his pointer and middle fingers of his right hand…occasionally he will throw in the ring man too just for a little variety!  He will suck the daylights out of those fingers!  I’m a little torn because it’s really cute and mighty convenient (bc if the paci falls out, he can’t put it back in…but he can ALWAYS find his fingers) BUT he is going to have major jacked up teeth…between Trigger’s paci and Campbell’s fingers, we probably should start an orthodontist fund!  Oh and his fingers just stay in his mouth all night.  My only hang up on putting Campbell down to go to sleep is that he tries to flip over onto his back and then he’s wide awake.  I have to position his lower body so that it’s against the bumper so he doesn’t have room to throw his body over onto his back.
  • Campbell is feeding 5-6 times a day…still every 3 hours during the day.  This is mostly because I am in PAIN if I go any longer.  I am mostly breastfeeding during the day and give him a bottle of breastmilk first thing in the morning (because I have already pumped) and a bottle right before he goes down at night (this feeding seemed to be the most frustrating for him because he was tired).
  • Some of my favorite words of Triggers: “Crick-ets” for his crocs; “oobey daisey” for oopsie daisey; “yine up” for line up; “hug-a” for hug; “Camel” for Campbelll; “Gabe-a” for Gabe; “No-ah” for Nolan; “Tank tchu” for Thank you; “pease” for Please; “pocs” for pockets; “e be back” while pointing at you for I’ll be back; “E comin” for are you coming; “e scared me” for you scared me….there are soooo many more that I just can’t think of right now!
  • Trigger is also saying “aghhhhhh…maaaannnnn” anytime something doesn’t go his way.  He draws out the “man” for a long time.  He also growls…which is something Liz and I both do if we are frustrated.   
  • Trigger has become very frightened by me cutting his toenails and fingernails.  I’m not sure what that’s all about unless it’s a sensory thing. 
  • Campbell’s BMs have been stretching out for the last month.  He now has about two big ones a day…and they are HUGE!  I mean HUGE blowouts that usually leak out onto his clothes and sometimes through the clothes and onto the sheets (like today).  YAY for mommy!

Sorry for those of you that read this blog.  These were just a few things that I really want to remember.  I know this isn’t all that I meant to post so I may have to do another post of memories…you can just skip these because I’m sure they are boring.

1 comment:

auDi tHis woRld said...

Josiah is scared of clipping his fingernails and toenails as well. Also he's scared of a haircut - thus the reason for such long hair for such a long time. I finally broke down and he got a real hair cut last week. Definitely shorter than I intended it to be, but even after just a week he looks much better. Bless him, he wasn't a happy camper at the haircut - even sitting in one of those cool haircutting cars and watching a video.

Glad to see/read your posts. Wish I made time to still do that, but it just doesn't work out right now. :-( I'm working on a digital photo book and it consumes my spare time (not like I have a ton of that anyway). :-)