Monday, September 20, 2010

Sweet Brothers with B’s

After naptime, Trigger was playing in Campbell’s room while I changed C’s diaper.  He found Campbell’s “B” and insisted that Campbell needed it.  So I sat both boys in Campbell’s chair and took pictures of them with their “B’s”.

Campbell’s “B” is monogrammed but Trigger’s is not.  (Excuse their unmatching clothes…we were just hanging out at the house and had nowhere to go!)

Trigger reading to Campbell 002 Trigger reading to Campbell 004 And of course Trigger had to smell it!

Trigger reading to Campbell 007 Trigger reading to Campbell 017 Trigger reading to Campbell 022 Campbell is in LOVE with his hands…he sucks on both his pointer and middle fingers all the time.  Trigger thought that since Campbell was sucking on his fingers, he should too.

Trigger reading to Campbell 026 Trigger decided that he would read to Campbell and went to his room to get a book…of course it is about trucks!  I thought these pictures were so sweet!

Trigger reading to Campbell 038 Trigger reading to Campbell 040 Trigger reading to Campbell 041 Trigger reading to Campbell 042 Then, Trigger felt the need to show Campbell his red trucks.  I guess he was feeling all big brotherish and felt the need to share all of his favorite things this particular afternoon.

Trigger reading to Campbell 053 And, Campbell’s followed Trigger and watched his every move!

Trigger reading to Campbell 056 And, ALL was well until BIG brother ran over LITTLE brother’s toe!  I have a sneaking suspicion that Campbell is going to know how to get his big brother in trouble!  haha…LOOK AT THAT ADORABLE LIP!  Campbell has been doing that alot lately…if someone unfamiliar comes up to him, LIP OUT!!!  You lay him down, LIP OUT!!!  Trigger touches him wrong, LIP OUT!!! You getting the picture…spoiled little boy!

Trigger reading to Campbell 062 I think I’ve got my hands full…but my heart is full too…LOVE THESE TWO BOYS!

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