Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mother’s Day Out

Trigger started Mother’s Day Out at Temple last week.  Before he started, he got to go meet his teacher and see his classroom. 

Here are some pictures of Trigger getting ready to go to school…we took his backpack with his extra clothes…

Trigger meeting MDO teacher 004He wasn’t a fan of having it on his back.

Trigger meeting MDO teacher 006 

Here is a picture of Trigger and me…and then one of Matt with the boys… this was before we went inside to meet the teacher.

Trigger meeting MDO teacher 008 Trigger meeting MDO teacher 022 Here is my big boy with his teacher, Mrs. Linda (Yates).  She has four boys of her own so she knows what to do with Trigger! :)  They were working puzzles…Trigger loves puzzles!

Trigger meeting MDO teacher 015 Trigger meeting one of his new friends, Drake Purvis…don’t you love that face!  I mean…they have to be friends…look at their precious jon-jons and keds~!Trigger meeting MDO teacher 014

Temple’s mother’s day out program starts after labor day…here is Trigger on his first day. 

Triggers first day of MDO 017 He really likes his lunchbox.

Triggers first day of MDO 009 Walking to the car…he’s going to love me taking these pictures when he’s in high school…hahahaha!

Triggers first day of MDO 021 Triggers first day of MDO 022Do you see him shrugging his shoulders like, “stop, mom”.  haha! Triggers first day of MDO 023 Right before we got out of the car…

Triggers first day of MDO 025 Matt came to hold Campbell AND because he really wanted to be there…this was a difficult day for us…our baby is growing up.  HOWEVER, i did not cry all day…I was proud of myself.  Matt took a picture of me and Trigger…

Triggers first day of MDO 030 Trigger did pretty good at drop off.  He cried some but I was told by a friend that he stopped almost immediately!  YAY!

Thankfully, our speech therapist went to visit and observe Trigger so I got a few pictures from her and some reassurance that he was having a good day.  Here’s the first picture I received.  It’s of him walking in line out to the playground. 

MDO- Triggers first day And, I got another picture of him eating lunch.  He still isn’t eating great at lunch.  My guess is that he is too mesmerized by all the other children…he likes to watch people.  You know he didn’t get out much when he was little soooo now he’s just taking it all in.  Poor sheltered baby!  Sallye, if you and Ainsley are looking at this, I DID cut my grapes up for Trigger…I learned from the BEST momma!  :)

MDO- eating lunch

I asked Kristi (speech therapist) to check on him one more time before she left.  I was so concerned about him during naptime.  This is the text that she sent me…

“Passy, laying down as instructed…although not on mat…currently under the table… tears” 

Okay…as a teacher, I just have to laugh because I can’t tell you how many times in my years of teaching that I have said, “get on your mat”. 

The next text said, “Assisted to mat, laying down, now reading books, back on mat, requesting more food, mat, requesting to potty, teeteed, mat, NO TEARS”

Oh my word…HE IS MY CHILD!!!  I was NOT a napper in school…in fact, I don’t think there was a day that I went to sleep EVER and I tried everything under the sun to try to get out of napping.  What concerns me is that this was the FIRST day that he was trying all these tricks…i can’t believe he felt comfortable enough to be trying all of that! NOT A GOOD SIGN!

When it was time for me to go get him, Liz happened to be at my house and kept Campbell.  It just so happened that Matt had a finance committee meeting at Temple and had just finished so he got to walk down the hall to get him with me.

Triggers first day of MDO 032 He has been doing well at drop off…today was our fourth day.  He is still hesitant but I know he has a good time while he’s there.  OH but today…I have to have this documented…he had to sit in time out.  Apparently, he tackled two boys.  I can’t say I’m surprised but MY WORD…it’s only the fourth day and he’s getting in trouble! 

1 comment:

Emery Wilkerson said...

Love the picture of Trigger & Drake! They are our dear friends & next door neighbors. When you posted that picture of Trigger's first day at MDO, I called Lindsey & said, "Does Drake have on red keds at MDO today?" I thought that was the back of him in line next to Trigger! They will have lots of fun playing & being mischevious together! :-)