Thursday, September 23, 2010

TUESDAY morning

Before I begin with Tuesday, let me share this story from the other day.  And of course these stories are about Trigger.  I was unloading/reloading the dishwasher after breakfast and I turned around.  Trigger was ON TOP OF OUR DINING room table.  Now that doesn’t seem like that big of a deal because in all honesty, I rescue him from there a couple of times a day….usually for rearranging my centerpiece.  I say he’s rearranging because it makes me feel like MAYBE he’s doing something productive up there and not something destructive!   Anyway, this time things were different.  He was STANDING in the center and he’s usually sitting.  And he was swinging our light fixture.  I mean he was one step away from LITERALLY SWINGING FROM THE CHANDELIER.  WHAT?!? was he thinking????  I got him down, talked to him, and told him to go play in his playroom.  I call Matt because I just thought it was so unbelievable that he was standing and swinging the light fixtures.  Then I realized that I had not heard Trigger playing in his playroom and usually I can hear toys.  I went on a search for him…FOUND HIM…in our closet with the door shut…he is sitting on a stool that we keep in there and EATING A POPTART that I had leftover from the morning.  He is going to be the death of me.  So I take the poptart away and the screaming began…yep, that’s life around here these days.

Brothers- matching baseball outfits 009 Okay…now on to Tuesday morning.  First let me say that Tuesday and Thursday mornings are quite hectic around here…I’m sure some of you think that’s hysterical but for some reason I can’t keep my two year old from almost killing himself while I get ready, get everyone else ready, and get everything ready and pack up in car for MDO….usually while Campbell screams the whole time because he’s not being held. 

Matt is so sleep deprived that his alarm went off but he turned it off without realizing it…so we finally woke up later than I needed too.  I pumped (which takes at least 30 minutes in the morning), took a shower, and then Trigger was up.  I fed him breakfast…actually, Matt may have done that…i don’t remember.  Of course, this particular Tuesday happened to be Fall picture day at MDO.  Trigger really doesn’t have fall nice outfits that he could wear without dying of a heat stroke…and I just can’t do the jeans and polo thing yet.  Maybe next year!  So I had hemmed some pants to a smocked farm outfit on Monday night.  I did not iron them however because I couldn’t reach the iron and bringing out the ladder would’ve woken both of the princes.  So I frantically finished getting ready while Trigger played.  Then, I went to iron T’s clothes and I noticed him being quiet in his playroom…we made eye contact so I decided he was fine while I finished ironing. MISTAKE.  I went in there and he had pooped and stuck his hands down in his diaper…please, please, please tell me why????? WHY would anyone decide that poop on their hands would be a good idea.  So off to the bathtub we go.  Bathed him really good and then got him dressed in his precious outfit that REALLy does NOT look fallish…with his red keds.  I sent him off to play while I put on the rest of my clothes. 

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SOMEWHERE in here I diapered, dressed, and fed Campbell.  I went to go find Trigger…yelling his name…frantically searching…yelling his name….frantically searching.  Nowhere to be found.  I went through the house twice.  I went into panic mode thinking that maybe Matt had not shut the back door good again and Trigger could be anywhere outside.  I checked and the back door was shut…but in my mind I was thinking that he could’ve shut it behind him.  I decided to make one more sweep through the house.  I went into Campbell’s room and remembered that I didn’t check his closet.  Guess what…he was there!  Sitting so quietly looking at the door just waiting for me to find him.  He had gotten in there and shut the door behind him.  Aren’t most children his age scared of the dark and of closets?  Anyway, he got a spanking and a stern, stern talk!  I went off to make sure everything was ready.  Check on Trigger off and crick-ets (crocs) are on.  I take crocs off and put keds back on.  He screams…begs for paci…melts down.  I hide pacis. He screams some more.  I go hook Campbell in his car seat.  Turn around and Trigger has unpacked his entire backpack to look for a paci.  I repack his backpack and go pack the car and put Campbell in…leaving Trigger by the back door with the door shut. If I let him out before I am ready to put him in his car seat, he makes a beeline to the four wheeler and climbs up and I did not want his clothes dirty.  I go back to the door to get Trigger and he had locked me out.  Get keys and unlock the door while he laughs and runs.  I grab him and put him in the car. And I am on the verge of TEARS at that point….and to top it off, Campbell (besides when I was feeding him) screamed the ENTIRE time all of the above stuff was happening because he wanted to go down for a morning nap.  Oh and all this happened within a span of about an hour. 

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I picked him up early from MDO so I could bring him home to nap…Trigger took a three hour nap.  THAT NIGHT…I was sitting on the floor with Campbell and Trigger playing.  I had my phone sitting next to me and Trigger came up and grabbed it and got just out of reach and had a very big grin on his face.  I told him to hand it back and he CHUNKED THE PHONE as hard as he could and hit Campbell right in his head HARD…very hard!  Thankfully, Matt was there.  Let’s just say that there was quite a big red mark on his hiney for a long time.  If this had been the first time, it wouldn’t have been a huge ordeal (but still wouldve gotten in big trouble) but he is constantly getting in trouble for throwing things!

Glad that day is OVER! 

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