Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Our little conversations

I know I have been posting alot lately…I hope to continue.  I have realized lately how much I will love to have all these everyday memories written down…even though Liz assures me that NO ONE else cares (even Trigger and Campbell).  Thanks, Liz!  Haha! 

Working on Playset- Trigger dirty 013 Here is what went down yesterday afternoon…

Trigger was in the kitchen…I was pumping…I hear him going through a drawer…I decided to ignore.  Then, I hear him.

Trigger: Gaa-cin…Gaa-cin

Me: *silent* because I know that he is probably saying “Garson” but don’t want to make a big deal of it.

Trigger continues playing and then comes in the kitchen with a chip clip…I again ignore the fact that he had gotten out of a forbidden drawer because the fact was that I couldn’t do much about it during my “smoke break”…It’s not really a smoke break in that I’m not actually smoking but that’s what Matt likes to call it when I’m pumping.

Me: Trigger, what’s my name?

Trigger: (with a big grin) Gaa-cin

Me: What’s  your name?  (my attempt at not really bringing attention to the fact that he’s now going to want to call me “gaa-cin”)

Trigger: Trigga

Me: Yep, that’s right!

Trigger then shows me his find of the chip clip and I clipped it to his shirt…trying to be a fun mom and not a “no, no, no” mom. 

Trigger: I donn care…I donn care

Me: *very confused* (ignored his I don’t care)

Working on Playset- Trigger dirty 015

Sometimes I wonder if he has an imaginary friend arguing with him….Ooooo…maybe he DOES have an imaginary friend…and that friend is the one telling him to do all those wild things like swinging from the chandelier…that would explain alot!  Then again, he could just be his daddy’s son!  ;)  or at least that’s my story…and I’m sticking to it!

(Check out that bed head…he’d just gotten up from a nap.  I think he looks sooo adorable in visors.  I’m sure Matt appreciates Trigger stealing all his hats!)

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