Saturday, September 25, 2010

Our Sunday Best

Last Sunday I had the boys matching for church.  When we got home, I had to take pictures of them.  I had visions of these great pictures in Trigger’s rocking chair.  However, Trigger refused to cooperate…I know you all find that shocking…I did!  Haha!  Then, we got him to put on a happy face and he couldn’t hold Campbell long enough to get a picture.  It would’ve helped if he would have given up the phone…but he insisted on keeping it!

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 027 Notice Campbell’s little eyes in the picture below…it’s like he’s begging Matt with his eyes to take him away from his big brother!

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 029 Anyway, because Trigger couldn’t hold Campbell, Matt put them in the chair in the playroom…and the chair is PINK because it was in my room when I was little…I seriously need to have it recovered but I’ve got to figure out what colors I want to use for the playroom first!  Sooooo…these pictures might’ve been good but they are sitting in a PINK chair.

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 038 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 046 Then, the phone reappeared and Trigger felt that Campbell needed to learn how to talk on it…poor Campbell…I’m sure he wonders why we put him through this torture!  Ha

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 054 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 055 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 058 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 059 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 060 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 063 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 075  Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 083

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 099

And Trigger’s reward was…a yummy oreo!

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 102 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 123 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 149

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 125

And Campbell decided to start talking…maybe he was trying to earn an oreo too!

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 131 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 138 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 140 Trigger decided to give Campbell a kiss which was very sweet.

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 147 And then Trigger was concerned because he got oreo on Campbell’s head.

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 148 Campbell had his first four wheeler ride with Trigger.

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 154 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 155 After our photo shoot, the boys took naps.  Gabe came over to help Matt.  We are building a shop…or actually we are having one built.  The pad is ready and the building is ordered but we needed a huge limb removed from a tree before the building is built so that it won’t fall on the roof in a storm.  Gabe used a tree stand to climb up and cut it down.  I thought it was pretty cool so I took some pictures. 

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 157 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 158 Trigger woke up just in time to see the limb being cut down…i think  he was more excited to get on Gabe’s four wheeler though.

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 159Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 173 Trigger loves to be outside…he has since birth!  I tried to follow him around…and caught him THROWING DIRT.  Why do boys love to throw dirt? 

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 175 And play with sticks…

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 176 But it’s hard to say no to this face!

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 166 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 171 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 174 Once Gabe got down, Trigger got to sit in his FIRST deer stand.

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 182 And Gabe let him ride with him on his four wheeler….yep Trigger LOVES Gabe!

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 188 Then, Gabe, Amy, and Nolan came over to eat some Johnny’s pizza with us that night.  Campbell was asleep the whole time they were here but I did get some pictures of Trigger and Nolan.  Trigger LOVED Nolan and wanted to play with him so bad.  He acted like he’d never seen a baby before and wanted to be right next to Nolan…which worried us because he’s so rough.  Poor Amy moved all over the living room (as we requested…she was calm about Trigger being so ACTIVE) trying to move away from Trigger.  These pictures aren’t the greatest because I was watching Trigger…I didn’t even get a good picture of Nolan’s face…and I wish I would’ve because I LOVE his cheeks!!!

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 189 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 193 We ended our day with me taking a few pictures of Campbell after he finally got up from a nap.

Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 201 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 211 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 212 Trigger and Campbell- matching outfits and Gabe and Amy 213 Whew..that was a busy day! 

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