Thursday, September 30, 2010


When I am home by myself at night, I started getting Trigger to come into the bathroom to “help” me give Campbell a bath.  It’s always better to have Trigger close by rather than roaming the house by himself! :) I put the baby bathtub down in the big bathtub.  Trigger sits in the big bathtub while Campbell is in the baby bathtub.  Trigger is fully dressed and not getting his bath yet…he usually tries to splash Campbell with water…I’m sure Campbell appreciates that!  Anyway, the other night Matt was home but I decided to do the same thing to try to cut down on time….and because Trigger likes it.  Well, I ran the water in Campbell’s bathtub, left to take his clothes off in his room, came back to put Campbell in, and this is what I found…

Bathtime- Trigger and Campbell 024 Bathtime- Trigger and Campbell 027 The great part was Trigger’s reaction to his clothes being wet.  He did not like it at all…I wanted to say, “what in the world did you think would happen if you got in a tub of water with your clothes on”…oh wait a minute…I might have said that but it just went in one ear and out the other! 

I did give in and stripped him down and let him get in the tub with Campbell.  I won’t say that it was all pleasant…there was a little kicking involved!  But, it was fun to see what my future holds…LOTS of baths together.

Bathtime- Trigger and Campbell 028Bathtime- Trigger and Campbell 035


Yesterday I noticed that Campbell wasn’t acting right.  He was very fussy..spitting up more than he usually does…just something not right.  Anyway, I ended up having to do alot of carrying and rocking.  While I was trying to put Campbell down for an afternoon nap, Trigger was suppose to be playing.  However, I heard a noise in the kitchen…it sounded as if Trigger was opening and closing our refrigerator.  He’s never done that before but I was 99.9% that was what was going on.  I had my phone right next to me and had been emailing Matt back and forth.  This is the email I sent to him right after I heard the noise of the fridge opening.

Yep. T can get In fridge. Just came back here chewing and saying "whoop" with his hands on his mouth.

I asked him what he was eating and he said "gape". Awesome...unclean grapes. Not
Much I can do about It when I'm trying To put
C down. Now he's getting bottles out
Of Fridge. I'm seeing a big Clean up in my future.
Oh my. Hillarious. He just walked back here and stuck his head in the door and waved and said hey. He's def into something. he's got an Apple and he's eating away at it. Oh he's so bad but so cute. He's right here saying "mmmm...gooda".
He just left and returned with another apple. Two apples. One in each hand. Eating both.

There truly is NEVER a dull moment around here!  Oh and he did mess up a shelf on the door…now it falls off the door all the time.  GREAT!  And, today, I walked in the kitchen…I had been in the process of making homemade cinnamon rolls and had let the dough rise and put it in the fridge.  He had taken the wrapper off and gotten a huge chunk of that dough was chewing away…YUCK…makes me want to vomit thinking about it.  Seriously, when I think about it, I start gagging..seriously!

Last thing, Liz took and picked up Trigger from MDO today since Campbell was sick.  Trigger was in time out again when she got there.  He tried to run over a child with the firetruck.  WHAT…and I really do want to know…AM I GOING TO DO WITH HIM!?

1 comment:

jessie said...

i know it's probably not nearly as funny to you at the time you're going through it but... i laugh out loud at your posts about t's antics. you can't make this stuff up! keep the stories coming!