Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Picture day #2

Last week was PICTURE week at Temple MDO.  I had Anna Grace (my niece) on Thursday morning…I thought to myself, “wouldn’t it be cute if I got Anna Grace and Trigger’s picture together…”.  HAHA…Trigger refused…OF COURSE!  He wanted nothing to do with pictures.  Here is precious Anna Grace…isn’t her dress adorable!

Bathtime- Trigger and Campbell 004 And I did snap a few pictures of Trigger but they aren’t great because he was not in the best of moods. 

Bathtime- Trigger and Campbell 005 Bathtime- Trigger and Campbell 006 Trigger has been doing good at MDO…or at least I think he has.  That one little (not sure if you can call pushing two little friends down, “little”) incident and that is all that has been reported to me.  Napping is still hit or miss but that’s okay…he’ll figure it out soon.  He’s just such a busy boy that he has a hard time settling down.


Today I had to pick Trigger up at lunch so that I could make sure he napped good.  A lady from Early Steps came out at four to evaluate Trigger on his progress.  He has been in the program for a year so they have to reevaluate to see if services are still needed.  Trigger was about therapy-ed out…he had a meltdown at MDO today during his occupational therapy.  I knew that Trigger wasn’t going to be the most cooperative…he did sit down with me and the evaluator let me ask him most of the questions.  He still didn’t do his best but that’s okay.  I was pretty impressed when she asked him his colors and he knew all of them but two…except that when she showed him a navy bowl, he said “black” and it did look black.  Then the last one she showed him was a light blue and he said “red”.  Now, I know some of your two year old children are learning letters, numerals, etc. but with these boys I know we are doing good to get them to stop for a SECOND (literally) to ask them, “hey, what color is that TRUCK?” and he will respond while running off.  Soooo, I’m hoping things come easy for him in school because it will be dang near impossible to get him to sit once he gets home! :)  Anyway, we survived the day…and tomorrow…oh tomorrow…I love Wednesdays…because I get to spend the WHOLE day with my boys HOME!  and tomorrow night Matt has something to do at Tech so we won’t be able to go to church (because I’m not attempting to get them up there and back home, bathed and in bed by myself)….Sooooo, I may or MAY NOT even put on makeup tomorrow…leaning towards the may NOT side!  AND, I just might wear pjs all day…hmmm…what a GREAT day!  I’m so looking forward to it! 

1 comment:

Amy Hogan said...

Yay for PJ's and no makeup! ;)