Monday, September 27, 2010


Everyone (and I do mean EVERYONE) comments about how different Campbell looks from Trigger.  And they are right…they do look different.  Trigger looks alot like Matt…but like I’ve said in the past, he reminds me of my little brother too.  Trigger definitely has Seth’s toes AND Seth’s hair (the double crown)….oh and Seth’s gorgeous blue eyes!  Campbell, on the other hand, looks exactly like my niece Sydney…which means she looks like me and my older brother, Will.  There are some similarities between Trigger and Campbell though.

Here are some pictures of our sweet little Campbell.  Liz made the comment about how Campbell was “wirery”…which just means long and skinny AND CONSTANTLY MOVING.  That’s our little Campbell.  He doesn’t have that rounded face like Trigger had…he has a long and narrow face.  Trigger just had that full, plump, chunky look.  Campbell is finally getting some rolls on those legs though. 

On the picture below, you can actually see his left dimple too.  Most people don’t catch it…they tend to see his right side dimple more but he does have dimples on both sides.  I think it’s kind of strange that both of my children have dimples and Sydney does too…and for the life of me, I can’t think of one person on my side of the family that has dimples…

Bathtime- Trigger and Campbell 007

Matt and I were just talking yesterday about how Campbell seems to smile alot more than Trigger did at this age. But, that maybe because we were in a fog and just forgot…if that’s the case, I probably won’t remember anything from Campbell’s childhood.  Haha! 

Bathtime- Trigger and Campbell 009 Campbell does still have the plugged tear duct in his left eye…that’s why you always see eye buggers in the corner! :) I’m ready for that be fixed! 

Campbell smiles with his eyes BIG time…he’s kind of a little charmer…seriously, he does do this big grin with his mouth and eyes and then does this shy kind fo wink.  This picture below does NOT do that justice…mainly because you really can’t capture that sort of thing on a still camera.  Oh and since I brought it up, Campbell is probably going to hate us…we have videoed him for maybe 20 minutes of his life…THAT’S a total of TWENTY minutes.  But, seriously now, how can I possibly video him while he’s on my hip/shoulder since that’s where he resides most of the day.  And, I really don’t want to have to throw the camera down quickly to rescue the Tornado (Trigger) from the rafters.  Haha!!!

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