Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Always Something.

With a two year old (Trigger) around, it is ALWAYS something!!!  I wish I could recount all the little things that have caused him to spend time in the corner or receive a paddle (with THE wooden spoon) for in just the last week…it seems as though the list would be a mile long!!! This is just a few of his “adventures”. 

First, and please know that this is not the worst shape it has ever been in and that I realize that it is typical behavior, we have his playroom.  This picture doesn’t even do it justice but he had just gotten up and it had only been MAYBE ten minutes. 

Morning fun with boys AND wood for playset 053 Then, last weekend, Trigger had gotten quiet and this is how I found him…except he had a sharpie in his hand…it had been taken away by the time I took pictures. :)  He had drawn all over his arm. 

Playset Progress- 7-24-10 043AND, if that weren’t enough…he started sniffing the marker that was on his arm.

Playset Progress- 7-24-10 040Playset Progress- 7-24-10 041  And the most recent, Trigger broke Matt’s brand new Oakley glasses.

Matts glasses Matt left his glasses on his nightstand and for some reason Trigger thinks our nightstands are an amusement park…he has been told a million times to not touch anything on them…and he also knows that he is not suppose to  touch Matts glasses.  Thankfully (for everyone) Trigger was taking a nap when I found them which gave me time to cool off.  This is what happened when he got up.

Me: i go into his room and turn on the light. “Trigger,  Mommy is not happy!”

T: he popped up and had his serious look.

Me: I saw Daddys glasses. What happened to Daddys glasses.

T: He took his paci out and said, “day-broke”

Me: “Oh-no…what happened”

T: “gfd%$%mhgfhg (jibberish)” with hand movements

Me: “Did Trigger break Daddys glasses?”

T: “uh-huh”

Me: “Are we suppose to touch Daddys glasses?”

T: “No, no, no”

Me: “Mommy is going to have to spank you and you are going to the corner.” and i did…hopefully he will remember this the next time he’s around Matt’s glasses…i won’t hold my breath!!!

OH…and the ear piece (the temple) is missing…nowhere to be found!!

That boy is going to run me ragged!!!

1 comment:

jessie said...

nothing smells better than a sharpie!! well, maybe gasoline! :)