Thursday, August 19, 2010

July 29, 2010

July 29th was a very special day at our house.  Trigger turned TWO years old and Campbell turned TWO months.

Before we start with the celebration, here Trigger’s last picture as a ONE year old!

Getting ready for Houston Trip 129

Trigger’s party was coming up and I wanted to practice on his cake so I decided to practice Wednesday night.  These couple of weeks were pretty crazy because we had Trigger’s birthday and then we left for Houston the next day.  I didn’t want Trigger’s birthday to be neglected because of packing and wanted it to still be a special day for him.  When he woke up, I cooked pancakes for Trigger.  He calls them “cake-cakes” and I LOVE It!!!! 

CC Football Program 079 CC Football Program 081 Then, we let him open some of his presents.

A little fridge phonics…gotta start working on that letter recognition..HAHA!

CC Football Program 104 Opening the next one…

CC Football Program 107 His first remote control RED race car!

Below: “o-pen…o-pen!”

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We played all morning.  Then, we went to have lunch at Johnny’s Pizza with Matt.

Trigger's bday at Johnny Then, after supper Trigger got to blow out his candles in his red truck cake that I had made the night before.  Here are some pictures of me making it…please remember that it was REALLY, REALLY late Wednesday night when I was making this so it is NOT perfect…and I knew it was just a practice cake so I didn’t worry about the end result as much.

First, I baked (using white cake mix) several cakes.  I cut one to make it the cab of the truck.  I used the other for the body.  I put the parts together with icing.

CC Football Program 060I used a WHOLE jar of Wilton red food coloring to make the red icing. 

CC Football Program 061 Then, I started icing the truck.  It was quite difficult and I was quite tired and really was loosing any sort of care that I did have hours earlier when I thought this was a GRAND idea! Oreos for wheels…I just used what I had in our pantry.

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And here is Trigger with his cake.  He immediately knew that it was a RED truck!  Yay!! and he had to get a little lick!

Campbell Smiling 061 Waiting patiently while we sang to him..

Campbell Smiling 068 And BLOW..

Campbell Smiling 070 Lick the candles…

Campbell Smiling 076 AND…DIG IN…

Campbell Smiling 078 And for the record, I guess he just remembered doing this from last year because he does NOT usually eat his food like a dog! :) However, I let him eat away…it was his birthday..his cake…and he’s only two…so I let him enjoy his moment!  I’m just glad he’s not allergic to red dye! :) Oh and we did strip him down because he had already LOVINGLY wiped his hands down the side of this precious outfit that was only worn this ONE time.  HOWEVER, on a side note, if you don’t have a steam washer and you have children, you MUST, MUST, MUST purchase them.  He got red icing all down the front of this outfit…steam cycle..ALL GONE!  He got into a red ink pad of mine…got it ALL over the front of a white children shop outfit…steam cycle…ALL GONE!!!  We have used that steam cycle and it has been worth EVERY penny! Back to the celebration!

Campbell Smiling 081 Campbell Smiling 090 Campbell Smiling 091 Campbell Smiling 092 Campbell Smiling 094 Really?  Why bother with a fork at this point?

Campbell Smiling 107 Campbell Smiling 119 Campbell Smiling 128 Campbell Smiling 129 Campbell Smiling 138 Campbell Smiling 147 Campbell Smiling 152 Campbell Smiling 154 Afterwards, we got him sort of cleaned up and let him open some more presents. You will notice that his skin is a little dyed and there is red coming out his nose and mouth…YUCK!

Vehicle Bathtub toys…

Campbell Smiling 166 I found this cool red race car box.  I filled it with little things that I knew Trigger would love! Buzz, Woody, cars, etc.

Campbell Smiling 168 Campbell Smiling 170 Red Truck with a trailer…he was really excited about this one!

Campbell Smiling 179I can’t believe my sweet boy is TWO YEARS OLD!  It’s so hard to believe that time has gone by that fast. 

Trigger will start Mother’s Day Out at Temple this fall and I’m going to have such a hard time letting go of  him.  I have been in control of his life for two years.  He’s very sheltered…only stayed with me, Matt, our parents, or Aunt/Uncle (and that’s only been a few times). I hope and pray he has a teacher that will love him for who he is and will embrace his independence and not be irritated by it! :)

We just went to see Dr. Slusher this past Wednesday.  He had to get his shots.  She said he looked great.

Here are a few facts that I want to remember:

- You weigh 30lbs and are 34.5 inches tall

- You drink 20-24 ounces of 2% milk (we just changed from whole milk a few weeks ago and you never skipped a beat).  The rest of the time he gets water.  We still haven’t given him juice and don’t plan to….just no need for him to get the extra sugar if we can help it. 

- You LOVE, LOVE fruit and cheese. 

- You LOVE red trucks…but have now branched out to liking all trucks and cars AND of course TRACTORS 

- You also love to hammer everything…we had to take away your hammer for awhile to save our furniture!

- You still sleep with a pacifier but do not have it unless you are in your crib.  You also HAVE to have your “B” (red blanket) to sleep.

- You are still sleeping in your crib.  As active as you are, I am soooooo surprised that you haven’t climbed out.

- You are an awesome sleeper.  We give you a bath around 7, read you a few books and put you to bed at about 7:20 wide awake and you just go right to sleep.  AWESOME!!!!

- You LOVE icee’s and ice cream but of course we have to limit the amount you get…you would eat them all the time if we’d let you!  I don’t blame you though…i would too!

- You still LOVE outside.  It has been so hot that we haven’t been able to go out much. 

- You love to go for a ride on Daddy’s four wheeler when he gets home from work.

- You are still in speech once a week but have improved leaps and bounds since you started last November.  In fact, you are like a little parrot now, repeating EVERYTHING we say.

- You love to help and are so independent. You will say “I got it” “I do it” “Trigger do it” “I help”.

- You make us laugh all the time.  and make me want to cry with frustration sometimes! ;) 

- When I tell you to go to the corner, you know exactly where to go…the corner by the laundry room.  You go there quite often.

- We are working on colors but still do not have recognition mastered…such a boy…no time for all that learning business!

- Trigger can count to ten but usually leaves out one number.  He also can tell you how old he is.

- He has a love for TV and movies now…Toy Story (“Woody”) and Cars are his favorites.

I think that’s about it for right now.  I love that little boy so much.  He is SOOOO full of life and doesn’t ever miss a beat.  I am so thankful that I am his momma!!!!

Okay…I’m hearing some crashing in the den.  Let me GUESS who is making all that noise…could it be my “full of life” little boy.  Better go see what he is into!


jessie said...

garson, that cake was awesome! good job!

Amy Hogan said...

Love the cake. You're so crafty!