Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Boys

I put Campbell in this elephant outfit last week.  My cousin, Kim, gave it to Trigger and I just love it.  I took Trigger’s picture in it when he was about 10-11 weeks old…the picture turned out so cute that I blew it up to be an 11x14 and framed it in his bathroom.  Well, I just had to take a picture of Campbell in it too.  When I was looking at Campbell’s picture on my computer tonight, I just had to go back and look at T’s picture too.  Sooo…here are both of them in the elephant outfit…both are 10-11 weeks old.

Weeks 10-12 014August- Playset, reading, etc 111

Cole Trigger Woodard                    Campbell Clayton Woodard

What cracks me up is that Trigger looks like a hefty thing compared to Campbell and Trigger weighed 4lbs. 5oz when born and Campbell weighed 6lbs 11oz.  Who do they look like?  Hmmmm…They sure are different.  One bald (now very blonde) and one with head full of dark hair.  One with full face and one with a skinny face.  They do both have beautiful blue eyes though!!!

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