Friday, August 13, 2010

Creek Pride!

Oh for those of you that are true Creekers (especially the cheerleaders), the cheer “Creek Pride” probably brings back alot of memories.  That was the cheer that rang out after games when we didn’t win.  The players HATED IT….but that was our tradition. 
Anyway, my dad has an add for his company in the CC football program.  The picture is always of employee’s and family’s children.  We just recently took our picture for the add.  I think it turned out great. 

CC Football Program 144Of course we also took one of the four Hood grandchildren.

CC Football Program 245  While we were there, Sydney decided that she needed to hold Campbell.  Isn’t Sydney so adorable! And you can’t really tell from this picture of Campbell but he looks soooo much like his cousin Sydney. 

CC Football Program 133 Trigger was like a kid in a candy store while we were there.  He was running from one phone to the next and even got on Poppy’s computer.  Do I see a future businessman?!?

CC Football Program 281CC Football Program 288 Uh-oh…Poppy caught me!

CC Football Program 287 This happen to be on Trigger’s 2nd birthday…I will share those pictures soon.  I have alot to sort through!

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