Friday, August 20, 2010

Trigger’s Birthday Party

The theme was RED TRUCKS (Colors: red and turquoise)…and did you know that this is NOT a popular theme?  Well, I am here to tell you that there is nothing with red trucks…red FIRE trucks, yes.  Dump trucks, yes.  Red pick up trucks, NO!  These were the invitations.  They turned out really cute!!!  And, I absolutely love the picture of Trigger.Trigger 2 bday invite The party was a swim party at Izzy and Poppy’s house.  We had alot of people there…i don’t think I got to talk to any of them but I’m glad they came!

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This was the first time he has jumped off the diving board.  I guess it was peer pressure.  Actually this picture is of the second time.  The first time he jumped right on in to Jenny (my cousin).

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We had lots of spectators.  At some point, everyone took a break to eat a little Johnny’s pizza.

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I had bought these wooden trucks and cars and had them at a craft table to paint.

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And the boys decided to paint themselves instead of the cars! :)

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Well…here is the second cake.  It looked alot better.  My red truck looks a little wilted which it was because it had been out in the heat for awhile and was melting (we were all melting!)

Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 113Trigger immediately got a lick..sorry!

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Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 121 And I was serving the cake to Trigger’s guests (I should’ve served him first), he got a fork and started to dig in!

Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 122  Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 124 Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 130 If you look at the picture above, you will see I some specific requests for pieces…like a piece right in the middle of the cake! And I guess I would work great at Burger King (at least according to their commercials) because she had it her way, right away! :)

Trigger was a mess after cake and had to get in the pool to wash off…he was NOT happy about washing off the icing.

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What was Campbell doing the whole time we were outside, you ask?

He stayed inside with his great grandparents. I’d say he had it MADE!!!

Present time…Trigger got lots of wonderful things!!! And he had alot of people watching him.

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And Campbell was passed from one person to the next the whole time!

After Trigger opened presents, he passed out his favors to everyone.  I wanted favors that went along with the them of the party.  We had everyone in the family searching for matchbox red trucks.  I made these games boards by cutting green sturdy fabric in the shape of a rectangle.  Then, I painted a road on it, painted lines on the road, and glued a pocket to hold the truck, dice, and game directions.  I folded them up and wrapped a ribbon around it and tied a wooden truck to the ribbon.  On the truck, it had each child’s name and on the back, it had a little thank you note from Trigger.

Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 068Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 069Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 071   And, for the little people, they got a red truck in a brown paper sack because I didn’t figure they would play the game.

Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 072 Sorry…neither of the pictures actually had the names on the trucks yet.

And, here are some decorations.  I had said I wasn’t going to do any banners but when Vanna asked me if I had made them, I just couldn’t help myself and would’ve felt guilty if I didn’t…I didn’t want having a newborn to be an excuse for doing less than I would normally do.

I did a “Happy Birthday” banner thanks to Chasten who cut out the letters on her Cricut for me. And, I did a photo banner too with one picture from each month of the last year.

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And, I just realized that there is not a single picture of me but I promise I was there…RUNNING! :) I do wish I had gotten a picture of me and my birthday boy!

We had a good time!  Happy Birthday to my sweet 2 year old!!!

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