Saturday, August 21, 2010

A few random things

First, I just found this picture that I just had to post and explain.  When we were trying to get to get packed for Houston and celebrate Trigger’s birthday, I thought I would never get it all done.  Trigger was the first person I had packed…and the only one that was packed until the night before we left.  I had just finished packing him and walked out of the room for a second thinking, “YES, mark one thing off the list…I’ve got T packed.” Walked back into Trigger’s room a MINUTE later and this is what I saw.  I repacked him and had a talk with him about not taking anything out of the bag….walked out again…came back…SAME THING.  Needless to say, he found the corner…the corner is apparently not working.  Lately, he gets mad (sometimes..because sometimes he just doesn’t care if he goes) and will say “NO” like he has a choice.  So I will get up and head over to walk him to the corner and he gets even more mad yelling, “No, I do it” and stomping himself to the corner.  But what I don’t understand is that when his two minutes are up, he comes out smiling like he’s won or he’s gotten something over on me.  NO, Honey, Momma is pretty strong willed too and I will (even if it kills me) WIN!  UGH…I swear that child is shortening my life!Getting ready for Houston Trip 125Then, i wanted to share the thank you notes that I made.  I really had planned on getting some ordered to match the invites but just was overwhelmed by other things and didn’t get around to it.  These took me just minutes to make and they turned out cute and matched the theme and colors from the party…however, the ONLY truck stamp i could find was a dump truck because REMEMBER how I said that you could only find firetrucks or dump trucks…same is true for stamps! :)

 Our Messy Day 068And, Trigger “signed” each of his cards.

Our Messy Day 069I just found two pictures that show an AWESOME comparison of my two boys!…I will post it separate though!

I truly need to go to bed but I am trying upload and organize pictures. AND, finally order some pictures to put up in the nursery…one of the frames in Campbell’s room still has a picture of me and TRIGGER from when TRIGGER was in the NICU.  The rest of the frames are empty and I seriously need to get them filled!  Believe it or not, I am the worlds worst at printing out pictures.  The ONLY pictures I have printed out since April of 2009 (yep, over a year) are the ones i used for Trigger’s banner at his first and second bday parties.  YIKES!!!

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