Sunday, August 15, 2010

Houston Trip- The First Pitch- Part One

A couple of weekends ago we loaded up a bunch of junk for the four of us and headed to Houston.  My dad threw out the first pitch at the Houston Astros game.  I know this had to be one of the most exciting things for my dad.  He has always loved baseball…and always loved the Astros.  My grandfather was drafted to play for the Yankees after college.  He went up to NY for spring training and got homesick because his dad thought it was a waste of his life and that baseball was NOT a way to make a living.  Soooo…my papaw (after meeting Mickey Mantle and several other famous players…he would’ve played with them) came home to work the saw mill that my family owned.  He instilled the love of the sport in my dad.  If you have ever been to my dad’s office, this would be evident to you…he has two rooms full of baseball memorabilia and the whole office is decorated with signed baseball stuff.  Anyway, I say all of this to say that this was soooo a big deal to him.  I so wish my papaw could’ve been there to see him throw out that first pitch but his health would not allow it!

We would not have missed the weekend for ANYTHING.  Just being honest, it was a pretty hellacious (is that really a word?) weekend.  Both boys travelled down there great.  Campbell slept most of the way and Trigger watched Woody and Cars so he was occupied.  As soon as we arrived, I knew that Trigger would have to have a nap if he would make it to a 7:00 game because he usually goes to bed around 7:15.  I’ve had several people ask and YES, we did take the PVC pipe room divider again.  Matt was DEAD SET that we were NOT going to take that divider because the last time he got asked if he was a plumber…and he responded simply, “nope, I’m a CPA”.  Haha…seriously?  If he were a plumber, would he carry pvc pipe around with him?  Anyway, we quickly got the pack and play up and the divider up and put Trigger down for a nap.  Thankfully, my dad is best buds with the manager of The Inn at the Ballpark (the hotel we stay at) and she gave us a key to Seth and Vanna’s room so that I we could watch tv while Trigger slept in our room.  Trigger slept for about an hour.  We had to be over at the stadium at 4:30 (i think) because in addition to throwing out the first pitch, we were all able to be on the field for batting practice.  Here are a few pictures of us getting to the hotel and batting practice.  And, yes, we have on matching shirts…we get them every year when we go to the games for my dad’s birthday.

Houston Astros 020

Houston Astros 027Love this picture below of them all holding hands while walking to the game.  (Matt, Trigger, Abby, and Poppy)

Houston Astros 032

Matt had Trigger’s backpack on and it needed to be adjusted…

Houston Astros 033 Trigger was checking out Sydney’s light up shoes…he’s never seen light up shoes before! :)

Houston Astros 036Getting our field passes and instructions from Jordyn.

Houston Astros 048 Our family on the field

Houston Astros 056

Bagwell and Berkman…I’m not really that into baseball…I mean I like it because my family is obsessed but I really wanted Bagwell to sign a ball for Campbell and Trigger because as far back as I can remember I have “watched” Bagwell play for the Astros…I have gotten his signature many times but wanted a signed ball for them.  He signed for one guy but that was it.  OH WELL…

Houston Astros 057   Houston Astros 059

I’m not really big on wraps or carriers for babies but I got this Moby wrap when Trigger was about 5 months old and never really used it with him.  It was a LIFESAVOR Houston Astros 063 Rules aren’t made for two year olds…especially cute ones.  Rule #1: Do NOT step on the grass.  Rule #2: Do NOT play in the rocks…definitely do NOT pick up the rocks and throw them!!! ;)

Houston Astros 067 Uncle Lance

Houston Astros 071 Me and Campbell

Houston Astros 072 Matt and Trigger (T thought it was funny to pull on Matts ears….haha)

Houston Astros 076 Houston Astros 082 Houston Astros 083 Houston Astros 084 Trigger and Matt; Sydney (my niece) and Will (my brother)

Houston Astros 087 I did get Hunter Pence’s signature on a ball.

Houston Astros 095 Houston Astros 096 Houston Astros 097 Houston Astros 098 Liz/Izzy with Trigger and Campbell..we were waiting on Poppy to throw the first pitch.

Houston Astros 103 AND, the FIRST PITCH!

Houston Astros 105 Houston Astros 108 And the game had not even started and Trigger was having meltdowns…here is a picture of his red eyes.

Houston Astros 113 I think Trigger made it for 2 innings the first night before we had to leave.  After the game, my family always eats at Vic and Anthony’s Steakhouse right beside the stadium and hotel.  Matt went on the first night while I stayed back with the boys.

Okay…I think I will stop here for tonight.  That was alot of pictures and alot of typing.  I’ll try to post our Saturday and Sunday later.

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