Thursday, August 19, 2010

Campbell- 2 months

Campbell turned 2 months on July 29th if you are counting by weeks but if you go by months, it would be August 3rd.  Mostly this post will be pictures because I feel like I haven’t had a chance to post many pictures of Campbell.  He is such a precious baby but is high maintenance…more than Trigger.  I had been told by so many people that the second child would be laid back but that is so not true in our case.  BOTH are high maintenance.  What are the chances?  Haha!

CC Football Program 094

Campbell went to see Dr. Slusher on August 4th.  He got shots while we were there.  I am so thankful that our insurance covers shots because I do NOT want to go sit at Shots for Tots on a Saturday morning if I can help it!  Campbell looked great.  She did tell us what I already knew…that Campbell has a hernia…just like Trigger.

Getting ready for Houston Trip 115

He weighed 10lbs 13oz and was 22.5 inches long.  His head circumference was 14.8 inches.

Campbell has many funny faces.

Getting ready for Houston Trip 096 And he’s already learned how to curl his bottom lip when he’s sad.

Getting ready for Houston Trip 098 Campbell is still feeding every 3 hours during the day.  I am still breastfeeding him.  However, I still have too much milk ;) and have to pump in the morning and evenings…and I’m still getting around 28-34 ounces in addition to feeding Campbell!  During the day, he LOVES to be held all the time but he’s slowly getting better.  At night time, Campbell has a hard time settling down.  He gets really fussy after his 7/8ish feeding and doesn’t usually settle down until 11ish which almost does me in.  However, once he settles down, he sleeps until between 4-6.  So he goes from 7/8ish-4/5/6ish which is WAY better than Trigger.  With Trigger, we were still waking him every three hours to feed him so that he would gain weight!

Campbell is so sweet and we love having him in our family.  And believe it or not, Trigger still loves him too!!

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