Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Playset Progress

Matt is outside right now (at 9pm) working on the playset.  At night, after Trigger is in bed, seems like this is the only time he can find to get anything done.  I’m really excited about this playset…it’s going to be massive and I know the boys are going to love it for many years!

Here are the stacks of wood that was delivered last week.

Morning fun with boys AND wood for playset 114 Matt’s dad came over to help.  Here are a few photos of them working…And, of course when Trigger got up from his nap, he had to check things out.

Playset Progress- 7-24-10 090 Playset Progress- 7-24-10 044 Playset Progress- 7-24-10 050 Playset Progress- 7-24-10 060 Playset Progress- 7-24-10 087 Playset Progress- 7-24-10 096

And Campbell came out to visit for a few minutes too.

Playset Progress- 7-24-10 072Playset Progress- 7-24-10 079Playset Progress- 7-24-10 085  Playset Progress- 7-24-10 097

Look at that last picture…Trigger looks so small compared to the playset!  I’ll keep updating.

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