Friday, August 13, 2010


When we decided that I would be a stay at home mom, the first thing that came to mind was “I’m going to have to clean out that dang room AGAIN”.  It’s kindof a joke between Liz and I.  I (we---me and my family which usually consists of me, matt, LIZ, and daddy…Matt for moving the heavy stuff, Daddy for bringing lunch and occasionally painting and sharpening pencils, and LIZ for EVERYTHING else) have now moved my school stuff SIX times and I have taught for SIX years!  THAT IS AMAZING.  And for those of you that do not know much about teaching Pre-K, we have alot of JUNK treasured possessions.  And, since I taught at a private school, we (us and LIZ) bought almost everything in my classroom…rug, shelves, books, puzzles, manipulatives, etc.  It is absolutely amazing how much stuff I have.  Since I had to move it out pretty quickly so they could hire someone else and let them start decorating their room, we had to store all my stuff in our garage.  I can remember Matt saying that we would rent a storage unit or build a shop (his preference being the shop) and I replied that it was no rush because it didn’t bother me that I had my garage full of stuff…well…NOW IT IS DRIVING ME INSANE.  Here is our garage.

Morning fun with boys AND wood for playset 050Morning fun with boys AND wood for playset 051  All of the stuff in the middle (minus the slide, bed frame, wheel barrow, cement, pool, and boots) is my classroom stuff.  It looks AWFUL and I am embarrassed anytime someone comes to our house.  We have a company out of Shreveport that is going to build our shop for us and guess what will go in it first?!?!  ALL OF THIS STUFF.  Before that happens, I will have to go through all of the boxes because there is alot of stuff that I will get rid of, some will come inside for the boys, and some will just be thrown away! WHEW…hope it cools down before then.

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