Monday, August 23, 2010

It’s always something (part two)

If you are confused about the “part two” part, please see a post from a couple of weeks ago.  Well, we have had a FEW (haha) more things that have happened at our house.  Nothing that is earth shattering…just things that make you wonder, “what were you thinking?”.

First up, we have a little coloring.  And I must say that He did use MORE THAN ONE COLOR (that’s for my Pre-K friends) and used lots of DETAILS (also for my Pre-K friends).  However, he did break the rule of we ONLY color on PAPER.  Yep, this would be my wood floors. 

August- Playset, reading, etc 088 August- Playset, reading, etc 089 August- Playset, reading, etc 090 I usually keep the crayons put up and they were put up but I had just put them in our built-ins in the den and the cabinet did not have the child proof lock on it yet.  After we (that’s right…Mr. T got himself a rag and scrubbed…and he kept saying “hard..hard”.  Yep, Honey, crayon doesn’t come off the floor easily, that’s why we don’t color on it) cleaned it up, Matt got his drill and put the child safety locks on the cabinet.  And, you-know-who had to help.  Oh it’s so hard to get on to this cute little boy!

August- Playset, reading, etc 092 August- Playset, reading, etc 094 August- Playset, reading, etc 097 August- Playset, reading, etc 099 And the other pictures that I ran across were of his bedroom. This particular day I had been unloading/loading the dishwasher and went back to check on Trigger.  This is what i found… (and for the record, his room doesn’t usually look this way)

Our Messy Day 070 Me: “Trigger what happened?”

Our Messy Day 072

Do you see the “Friday” and “Sunday” sticky notes…those were on buckets in his closet.  Remember me posting about how I put his clothes/things in buckets while I was in the hospital.  Well…he found a better use for the sticky notes.

Our Messy Day 073 Our Messy Day 074 All i can say is that he is a BUSY boy that is FULL OF LIFE!

And I just came across this picture…he is constantly climbing on things!

Trigger's 2nd Birthday Party 253

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