Sunday, July 25, 2010


This Friday my dad is going to throw out the first pitch at the Astros game.  I know!  Isn’t that AWESOME!!! We are so excited.  As most of you know (or at least the people who really know us that read this know) that we always have shirts made every year for my dad’s birthday/astros game…we always go as a family to see a game around his birthday (Sept.1st). This year, our shirts are centered around the first pitch instead of daddy’s birthday!  My little model tried on the shirts for me.  I thought they turned out cute.  Seth designed them…you know, since he has THE EYE!!!

Morning fun with boys AND wood for playset 108 Morning fun with boys AND wood for playset 110 Morning fun with boys AND wood for playset 113 Oh and we have passes to be on the field for batting practice.  Please pray for us because this will be an interesting trip in the car with both Trigger and Campbell.  We’ll see how that turns out!  And don’t worry, I will be taking a million pictures (hopefully) on our trip!

1 comment:

jessie said...

oh, that's awesome! good luck with the travel!