Saturday, July 17, 2010

Peach Parade

I hope you have noticed that this is my FOURTH post tonight so don’t miss out on the previous three!  I’m on a mission tonight to get a little caught up!

I was determined to take Trigger to the peach parade this year.  I wasn’t sure how that was going to happen because Campbell really wasn’t suppose to be out in public.  Campbell was only three weeks old but I took him to the parade anyway…I know that is probably horrible but at least we were in the open air.  I was so busy talking to my cousins/friends that live in Shreveport that I didn’t get a picture of me and Campbell.  I did get a few of Trigger at his FIRST peach parade (actually it was his first parade)!

Family Fun- June 015 Family Fun- June 018 Family Fun- June 019 This picture isn’t great but when we got in the car and I realized that I didn’t take a picture of Campbell at HIS first parade, I was quite upset so Matt took this picture.

Family Fun- June 023

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