Sunday, July 18, 2010

6 Weeks and a little ANNOUNCEMENT

Campbell was six weeks on July 15th.   Matt reminded me that I should be going back to work tomorrow because Campbell is 6 weeks old.  I am a teacher and since it’s summer, I don’t have to go back right now.  With Trigger, I started back to work when he was only 5 weeks old AND he’d only been home from the hospital/NICU for 3 weeks…so this is a totally different situation for me to not have to go back so early.  WELL…I have an announcement.  Matt has told me that I can STAY AT HOME!  I will be a STAY AT HOME MOMMY!  This is something that I have wanted to do since I was a little girl…seriously, this is what I told my mom that I wanted to be when I was little.  I am very thankful to Matt for working so hard so that I can stay home with our babies!  I know it’s going to be a HARD job…I’m already seeing that with keeping them this summer.  BUT, I know if it’s possible for the mom to be home with her children, it’s the best thing!  My mom stayed home with us from the time I was 3ish until she passed away when I was 11 and I would NEVER give up that time I had with her!!!!

Campbell- holding head up 046

Campbell- holding head up 055  Campbell- holding head up 059Campbell- holding head up 060 P.S. PLEASE excuse how horrible we look in these pictures.  We seem to always take pictures late at night when we looked pretty worn down!

Oh and I almost forgot about these pictures.  I decided to be BETTY CROCKER and make homemade blueberry syrup the other night.  I had tons of blueberries that Liz had picked for us and we were blueberried out!  Since, I didn’t want them to go to waste, I made the syrup.  It was actually pretty easy and was very yummy.  Of course I cooked pancakes (or “cake cakes” as Trigger likes to say) to go with the syrup.  Trigger was in love with the syrup!

Campbell- holding head up 017 And, OH MY WORD, look at those eye lashes!!!

Campbell- holding head up 026 I know he’s a boy…but isn’t he soooo pretty!?!?  :)  His daddy will sure like that question.  HAHA!

1 comment:

The Tylers said...

Loving all of your posts and so happy for you! May you enjoy every moment of joy with those precious babies!!! You so deserve it!