Saturday, July 17, 2010

July 4th

We had a pretty low key day.  The only thing we did was go to Matt’s parents to eat supper.  Trigger had a blast playing with his cousins. 

I took a few (haha) pictures. 

Check out these boys!  Trigger LOVES his pockets.  In fact, when he doesn’t have pockets on his shorts, he gets quite ticked off!  He calls them “pocks” instead of pockets. Haha!! I thought this was cute of my boys with their hands in their pockets.

July 4th 019 Trying to get a good picture of our boys…Trigger was NOT interested!

July 4th 065 After we got to the Woodard’s house, we had to take a cousin picture! 

July 4th 026 Our family of four…that’s still weird to me to say family of FOUR!

July 4th 032My boys!

July 4th 035  Grammy and her grandchildren

July 4th 040 MORE FUN…

July 4th 046  July 4th 047

July 4th 048

July 4th 049

July 4th 053

July 4th 054

Our family again

July 4th 055 July 4th 063 Happy Fourth of July!!!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Love that yall have on matching 4th outfits :) too cute!