Sunday, July 18, 2010

MORE trouble!

Well poor Trigger is going to get picked on again.  BUT, he’s such good blogging material!  Ha! Anyway, Matt and I were getting ready to leave.  Matt to go on his CORPS retreat and me to Liz and Daddy’s.  Matt walked in the kitchen and called me in there.  We found Trigger washing the windows with a bottle brush.  He had reached into the kitchen sink and gotten it, taken it to the windows, and proceeded to wash them.  I guess maybe he was trying to hint that I was failing on my job as a stay at home mom.  HAHA!!!  Fat chance that I will ever  have time to wash windows.  I can barely get dressed and my teeth brushed! :)

Here are some pictures of Trigger washing the windows!

Cleaning windows and mals party 005Cleaning windows and mals party 008 Cleaning windows and mals party 011

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