Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Adjusting to Life (Week 1)

I am going to try to catch up quickly in this post.  I truly hate to breeze through the past month’s of pictures because I am planning on having my blog put into a book for a sort of scrapbook since I have no time to do things like that anymore….or maybe I’m just too lazy!

Okay now I am looking back at all the pictures that I have to post and I will probably NOT catch up in this post…yikes, I have got to get busy!

Let’s get started.

As most of you know, I was so worried that Trigger wasn’t going to like Campbell and that I was ruining his life by bringing a sibling into his world.  I was so wrong.  From the moment he met Campbell, he has kissed all over him.  It’s amazing to me that he has been this way.  It must be a God thing because when I was pregnant, Trigger never really understood that I was having a baby and all that that involved. I was pleasantly surprised at his reaction!  The day after we got home from the hospital (Tuesday), Matt ran into work for just a little bit to get mail and do whatever else he needed to do.  Liz came over to help me.  Trigger wanted to hold Campbell.  Here are pictures of the first time Trigger got to hold his little brother.  He was so sweet and loving.  However, when he gets done holding him, you better be ready because he pretty much throws Campbell off his lap.

Campbell 094

Campbell 099

Campbell 102

Campbell 115

And of course, he had to show his little brother the BEST TOY In the whole world: A RED TRUCK!!!!

Campbell 116 Anytime someone is holding (for that first week or so), Trigger had to be right up in the middle of it…and of course, he would have to have his turn too!  I thought these were sweet of Izzy holding Campbell while Trigger loves on his brother!

Campbell 092 Campbell 093 Campbell reminds us all the time of Trigger…maybe these are things that all babies do but our two boys have certain things that are very similar…especially how they sleep, faces they make, etc.

Campbell 118

Campbell visitors 031

Of course Campbell has had many visitors…mainly family.

Aunt Teresa, Meme, and Izzy (and Papaw and Poppy were there too)…

Campbell 120

Precious Mamaw Campbell visitors 018 Poppy and his boys!

Campbell visitors 027 Poppy, Izzy, and Campbell

Campbell visitors 029 Aunt Deanna, Me, and Campbell

Campbell visitors 049 Uncle Lance came in from Missouri to see Campbell (and to visit his girlfriend)

Campbell visitors 035 And of course Trigger was excited to see his Uncle Lance…check out the two pacis and “B” (Trigger’s blanket) in the second picture…it must have been naptime!

Campbell visitors 036 Campbell visitors 039 Campbell had to go for his one week check up.  He weighed 6lbs.8oz. and 19.75 inches and head circumference is 34.25 cm.  Dr. Slusher wanted us to come back in for a weight check at 2 weeks because Campbell still wasn’t back at his birth weight. At this point, I was trying to breastfeed but still giving him a bottle afterwards because he was falling asleep instead of nursing! 

Here is our little pumpkin (his jaundice levels were 13.8 at his appt. but had gone down to 12.9 the next day) and me at Dr. Slusher’s office.

Campbell 007 That’s all for week one of Campbell’s life.  I am finding that it is SOOOO true about the second true…I try really hard to take plenty of pictures of Campbell but I am failing miserably!


jessie said...

so glad yall are doing well! he's a cutie!

Amy Hogan said...

Sweet baby boy! Can't wait to see him again! I don't know how you do it with two...