Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Happy Birthday, Mallory!!

Matt and I have some close friends, Brad and Michelle that have two children.  One, Mallory, just turned three this past week and their second child, Thomas, is about 7 months old.  Mallory had her birthday party last weekend at the jumpy place (forgot the name).  I wondered if Trigger would like jumping because he had never jumped in one before.  OH BEFORE I CONTINUE, I want to say thanks to my sweet parents for offering to keep Campbell so I wouldn’t have both boys.  Matt was out of town on his CORPS retreat.  It was a long weekend without his help but we survived!  Anyway, when we arrived at the party, Trigger clung to me like an alligator was trying to eat his little toes.  I must say that I secretly loved it because he just isn’t a child that sits in my lap or cuddles with me…he is too busy for that!  He quickly warmed up but was hesitant to go into the jumpy and when I say jumpy, it’s not just the thing you go in and jump…this one is like a little obstacle course with columns you have to weave in and out of, three slides, and tubes to crawl through.  I went in with Trigger at first because it probably really wasn’t geared for 2 year olds.  Brad was in there also and helped Trigger go up and down the slides at first.  Then, I went up and down with him a few times.  THEN, he was on his OWN…he absolutely LOVED it!!!  He did still love to have Brad help him.  I had gotten out of the jumpy after I was comfortable with Trigger in there on his own and I saw Trigger come out and start looking around.  I walked toward him and yelled at him to let him know where I was…assuming he was looking for me.  HAHA…after looking around, he made a beeline to Brad, and starting tapping him on the leg and pointed for him to get back in the jumpy.  PRECIOUS!  Just Precious. 

Here are a few photos from the party!

First, we have the birthday girl.  Isn’t she just the most precious little girl.

Cleaning windows and mals party 058  Trigger and Mallory…Trigger wasn’t so sure about taking a picture.  I should’ve waited until the end to take it…he was still being shy at this point!

Cleaning windows and mals party 061 Playtime!

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Time to eat…

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I hate that Matt missed out on seeing Trigger having so much fun!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MALLORY!!!!

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