Saturday, July 17, 2010


Campbell was one month on July 3rd.  He had to go visit Dr. Slusher again.  We love going to the doctor…mainly because I want to know his stats.  So here they are. 

Weight: 9 lbs. (WOW…he jumped from the 10th percentile to the 25th in three weeks!  AWESOME!)

Length: 22.25 inches

Head Circumference: 36 cm.

Dr. Slusher did find a hernia in his belly button just like Trigger.  Campbell also has a heart murmur that was discovered when he was in the hospital.  He went to see Dr. King (pediatric cardiologist).  He said it was what Trigger has: A hole in his heart.  All babies have a hole when they are born but most close up almost immediately.  Since Campbell’s didn’t close up, we will have to continue to see Dr. King.  Our next appt is in October.

He is now ONLY breastfeeding and ONLY gets a bottle if I have to go somewhere.  That has only happened a few times!  July 3rd happened to be a Saturday and we were just hanging out as a family so I decided to snap a few pictures. as most of you know, Trigger has a few things he is obsessed with right now.  1. RED TRUCKS 2. Woody (Toy Story…and this has nothing to do with the new movie because he doesn’t even know about it) 3. Cars (the movie)

Trigger loves his little brother but we have to really watch him because he still doesn’t understand that he can’t pull on Campbell’s limbs or poke out his eyes.  This makes things very difficult on me because I can’t just put Campbell down on a quilt to have tummy time or just to rest while I got things accomplished around the house (like I did with Trigger).  If I don’t watch closely, this is what happens and believe me, driving a truck on Campbell is the LEAST of my concerns! :)  Poor Campbell!!

Family Fun- June 027  LOOK at that guilty face…he is JUST waiting on me to tell him to stop.  That little TOOT…what are we going to do with him??

Family Fun- June 028 Brothers watching Cars together.  Soooo sweet!

Family Fun- June 031 Another concern…body slamming!

Family Fun- June 036 Family Fun- June 041 Love this one!

Family Fun- June 042 Still driving the red truck as close as he can to Campbell…

Family Fun- June 047 Family Fun- June 049And forgetting the rule…

Family Fun- June 059  Trigger still likes to hold Campbell…for about two seconds!

Family Fun- June 063 Daddy and Campbell

Family Fun- June 064 Momma and her boys!

Family Fun- June 067

Happy ONE MONTH, Campbell!!!

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