Sunday, July 18, 2010

Playset Progress

Matt spent two whole days working on the playset.  He had to rent a digger for digging holes for the posts…it has a name but I can’t remember it! :)  Matt dug TONS of holes, put in lots of huge posts, got very sweaty, and I’m pretty sure that he got a little (LOT) dehydrated!  It was INSANELY hot and VERY, VERY humid outside!!!

Here are a few pictures of the progress. 

July 2010 192 July 2010 193 The hole digger

July 2010 203 This was what Matt had completed after one day.  I don’t have a picture from after day two of working.  In fact, I need to get out there and take some pictures of all the posts before he starts doing anything this next weekend.

July 2010 197

1 comment:

jessie said...

you have been a blogging fool this weekend! loving all the updates!