Thursday, September 12, 2013

Trigger- Meet Teacher

Well..the time came for Trigger to finally start Cedar Creek Pre-Kindergarten.  REAL SCHOOL.  So sad…and soooo exciting.   Trigger got to go and see his classroom and meet his teacher before school actually started.  When I first walked into her classroom, I was quite overwhelmed.  It made me happy and a little sad.  His teacher, Mrs. Hall, is now in my old classroom.  AND, she has sooo many things that are mine in there…bookcases that I painted…a kitchen that Matt built for me when I started teaching at Cedar Creek. 

Anyway, this particular day, we had to go to school and take a picture with alumni/current students.  So, Trigger was dressed in his Cedar Creek jersey for that.  Then, we headed over to meet his teacher.  I wasn’t sure who I wanted for his teacher.  I didn’t know Mrs. Hall at all but had heard wonderful things about her.  She actually graduated from Cedar Creek with my youngest brother.  We LOVE her.  She is wonderful.  And Trigger LOVES her!!!!!  IMG_5378IMG_5379

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