Saturday, September 14, 2013

Campbell- 3 year appointment

I took Campbell to his three year old appointment.  And from the moment that I stepped into that office, I wondered why I had to be such a rule follower.  I mean, why didn’t I skip this appointment…there were no shots and we are there all of the time anyway.   BUT, I made the stupid appointment and we were there so we stayed.  It was packed and we waited forever.  I did have matt ask Campbell to draw a person before we went to see if he could do it…because honestly, I had no clue if he could.  well, this was his drawing.  I was highly impressed and a little confused bc I had NEVER seen a child draw the body and legs like that at this age…not even at Trigger’s age.  I accused Matt of doing it for him but he didn’t help.  Anyway, as a teacher, it intrigues me.  IMG_4014Soooo…we waited and waited and waited.IMG_4031ANNNNNND, all but licked the floors!  sighIMG_4032Dr. Slusher said Campbell looked great.  Here are his stats.

34 pounds (65%) and 37.5 inches (37%). 


Campbell is getting so big.  He is probably one of the most ornery children I have ever met BUT is as cute as a bug!  He loves to play outside (would live out there), cut, play with trucks and tractors, playdough, reading books…and is obsessed with guns.  He is all boy!


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