August was a busy month. I’m not sure you can even count August as summer because it seems like August 1 is the beginning of “get your life in order because school is starting”. So, it has been busy, busy!
And, let me tell you something. That little 1 year old…the THIRD born that is suppose to go with the flow….is THE most active of our children. She gets into more things than the boys ever thought about getting into. I am constantly chasing her out of one thing and cleaning up another…She is quick! There are several pictures in here that will show that.
These are iphone pics and are very random…I’ll try to explain. We had a cedar creek parent meeting before school started. We got a babysitter and Matt and I drove to the school. I was so excited. I had been waiting for this day for a long time. We parked and while walking up, I hav e to say it felt really surreal. Matt and I walking side by side up from the cc parking lot. I felt as if I had been taken back about 14 years to the hundreds of times we had made that walk up to campus together. BUT, this time we were walking as parents instead of students. It really strange being on the parent side. Ive done the student thing at cc…13 years. Ive done the teaching thing at cc…now im beginning my journey as a parent at cc which will last longer than I care to think about….17 years…that’s how much longer I’ll be at cc.. I will be 48 when Larkin graduates…that is just so bizarre to me. ANyway, now that I have bored you with that. After we heard the opening song-and-dance, we walked over to our classrooms for a meeting with prek. NOW, as if the walking up from the parking lot wasn’t weird enough, I had to sit through the handbook/prek meeting spill that I had given myself many times! I felt like interjecting “yes, make sure you follow that 24 hr rule because WE KNOW if you dose your child up with red medicine before they come to school” or “PLEASE don’t walk past the doorway on the first day of school and cry like a baby in front of your child”. It was strange…really strange. I was told by a good friend who has done the teacher become parent thing that I was going to have to learn how to bite my tongue…and bite it hard! It is true. There have been several moments like that already. Like do I think everyone should bring their own paint tshirts. NO, I do not. I left 6 perfect lakeshore paint smocks when I left cc and they worked PERFECT and repelled the paint instead of the paint just soaking through the shirt or a big tshirt arm being drug through the paint. BUT, you know…why does it matter…it doesn’t! So, even if I think it’s not the smartest idea, I do it. Those are the rules. Okay…again, back to the reason for the picture. After the parent meeting, we met Trigger’s teacher (which happens to be a cc alumni that graduated with my brother). She is just sweet. We have LOVED her so far! We had the opportunity to sign up for parties. I did what I had told myself I would NOT do! I signed up to be the fall fest chairman. And, I am the only chairman for all three classes. I know how it feels as a teacher to not have a chairman and have to ask someone to please step up…so I did it. I will hate myself for it…guaranteed! Oh well. Hopefully I won’t wait until the last minute to start planning.
For Trigger’s bday…as I stated in that post. I had to make lots of cupcakes…I had a little helper the entire time.
See…scissors! sigh!
Love that hand grip. Made me so proud to see that!!!!
After Trigger’s bday party, we had a few couples over to have some hot dog. Trigger really wanted to play on the slip and slide that uncle gabe had set up….and have the water slide out. It was sooo much fun!!!!
Last minute I decided to put some things in kool kids. I was pretty disappointed with the amount of things I got back. Like nice smocked clothes in perfect condition and priced really good. BUT, this was the amount of stuff that was left at the end of the sale. SOOOO, I didn’t feel so bad anymore. However, I still don’t know if it was worth my time of all the tagging just to get half of to come back to me. :(
I pulled out Larkins fall/winter wardrobe to see what we were lacking. She only has this much because most of her clothes from last year still fit! PLUS, I have two sweet friends who give me lots of clothes to borrow. So sweet of them. I can’t wait for larkin to wear all of these precious clothes.
Larkin started crying…I ran into the den and there she stood…she had put her brothers underwear on which is pretty impressive if you ask me because campbell still has trouble sometimes.
Our friend that cuts the boys (and my) hair is out for awhile because she is pregnant with twin boys…so exciting…except that it left us with no one to cut our hair. So, I took them to another friend of mine. She did a great job…and the kids loved playing in her kitchen while they waited on each other. Larkin still hasn’t had a haircut yet but it wont be long because the mullet is getting out of control!
Modeling her Matilda Jane
Visiting daddy at work. yes, he has FOUR screens. I do not understand it.
Trigger drew me a picture….he said it was me and him and a heart to show how much he loved me. LOVE IT!
Matt’s mom got the boys one day before school started. Larkin and I went to Shreveport for a quick trip to order some bows and run to a few stores. I love girl time.
Larkin LOVES to read books. In the morning, I nurse her and then we turn her lamp on and she reads while I go feed Trigger breakfast.
She pulls down one book after another.
We took the kids to the new playground the other day. They loved it!
AND, the boys got to play with George and Jack Smith so they were HAPPY!
Trigger and Goerge
Supper on the weekend: fruit loops outside. Healthy healthy! haha!
And ill leave you with this. They love this little truck. We will be getting Larkin something soon because our tractor has finally died so we need a second vehicle so all three will have a place. For now, they just have to all squeeze in.
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