Life isn’t always grand. I really am shocked by the comments of some working moms…some comments really suggest that we are sitting around in our pjs all day watching tv. I am not about to say that my stay home mom job is harder…it’s not. It’s just different. I have done the working mom thing. It is hard too. The comments don’t even bother me anymore because the person making them are 1. jealous 2. clueless as to what my life is like.
I love my stay at home life but let me tell you…it is DRAINING. I can not tell you how much crying I hear in one day….and the messes that I have clean up… Its ridiculous. This is just a little of what goes on on a typical day.
We usually try to run errands in the morning time when the little people are still rested. This particular day, we went to super one. Melt down because I wouldn’t let him get gummy bears. :(Larkin eats breakfast whenever she gets the opportunity. Poor baby! And, doesn’t everyone hold two babies while eating.
Larkin gets left alone…blue sharpie all over my cabinets in the laundry room. FYI, I tried alcohol, 409, clorox wipes, magic eraser, and a few other things. I was slightly panicked. THEN, I decided to alcohol ON a magic eraser. THAT was the ticket!!!! ONE swipe and it was GONE!
We play a lot during the day…or they play…I clean. I don’t know why I clean because it just ends up messy again.
I attempt to put on makeup and clothes but this is what happens…I have helpers ALL day!
And I finally get someone (larkin) to go off and play so I can finish getting ready….I go to check on her. yep….this is what I found.
Complete with a milk handprint on my couch.
I clean up the milk and go back to get my clothes on and Larkin was playing with the electrical outlet…plugging and unplugging the nabi cord.
Get that all plugged back in…walk into the den and and shes standing on furniture playing with the the blinds cord.
There are lots of kisses and hugs throughout the day.
LOTS of mischief.
Lots of fighting…or getting locked out of the playroom by big brothers.
And at the end of the day, after three little people are in bed, it’s just the two of us…and I love the two of us. Life is crazy. The days are long and the nights are short. BUT, I would trade all of the tears and all of the stress for anything. I love being at home.
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