Friday, September 13, 2013

Trigger- Day Three

I promise that I am not posting about triggers every day at school.  BUT, today was worth posting about.  First of all…this is the carline at about 1:58…ridiculous, I tell you!  IMG_4101AND, day three of prek and Trigger is already on yellow.  :(  He was play fighting…playing Ninja Turtles…on the playground.  FUN times.  I’m conflicted because, as a teacher, I know how even play fighting can escalade in no time but we let our boys play fight..actually, occasionally, we just let them seriously fight it out (but they usually look at us a like we are crazy and nothing happens).  BOYS are BOYS and we had a talk with him about how it is inappropriate.  I foresee this being a problem with him though because he seeks input…which is part of sensory stuff and theres not really any way to get that on their playground.  In fact, im fairly certain that Trigger is bored by the playground after being at Trinity with monkey bars, swings, play structures, sand with shovels/buckets and a trike track.  The Cc playground is fine for most children but just doesn’t offer much of what he needs.  The input issue is something we have dealt with since he was about 8 months old and gets rather annoying in our house.  :)  Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that Trigger’s behavior all has a medical explanation OR excuse.  Because he is WILD WILD WILD!  I know that!   So, even without sensory issues, he would get in trouble.  HA!IMG_4102

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