Thursday, September 26, 2013

Larkin Time

I have really, really enjoyed getting to just spend time with Larkin while the boys are at school.  Larkin is fun to be around..she is so sassy.  The fact that she is the baby is evident more and more everyday.  She looks so much like her daddy but she also acts a lot like her daddy….I guess it’s the baby in the family tendencies. 

Last week, I dropped Campbell off at school and then Larkin and I went to the Lincoln Parish Museum so that I could get a few pictures of her. 

I love Larkin’s curls in these first few pictures. IMG_5829IMG_5832IMG_5835IMG_5839 copyI love this one below.  I hate that there is a bruise on her face..she fell into a drawer. :(IMG_5868IMG_5869IMG_5892IMG_5926IMG_5932 copyIMG_5946 copyIMG_5948 copy

I love doing fun stuff with my little girl!

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