Thursday, March 25, 2010

Peach Blossoms

On Tuesday, Liz and I took Trigger to Sherry Owens' house to have his picture made with a bunny. They turned out really cute!
Woodard, Trigger - Easter
Woodard, Trigger - Easter
Woodard, Trigger - Easter
On the way home, I had the idea to take Trigger to the peach orchard to take pictures since Trigger was already dressed cute. It's so pretty right now with of the blooms!!! So we ran home to grab Matt and my camera and drove back to the peach orchard. Trigger didn't last long and because of the toddler running every which direction, I didn't get the best pictures...the lighting was bad! are my favorites!

AND, my absolute FAVORITE picture for the photo shoot....

I'm still enjoying being at home and resting but it seems like I haven't had much rest...between the DISH saga and keeping Trigger (some of the time), I feel like I haven't had alot of resting. However, it has to be better for my body than being on my feet constantly and dealing with 13 4-5 year olds.

1 comment:

Amy Hogan said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the last picture. You did a great job at capturing the moment!