Monday, March 22, 2010

Oh how I LOVE days like these!

Trigger was at his Izzy's house this day. She had asked me to come over to help Trigger paint a picture for her to hang in their playroom. When I got to their house at 2ish, Trigger was outside with his Izzy and Mamaw. It was a beautiful day and he was having the best time running and exploring. Eventually, he discovered the creek in the back. He found a hoe and thought it was fun to splash the water. I, being the fun mom that I am, let him reach in the water and splash. Then, I had the thought...why not just let him get in? He had extra clothes in his backpack...I had looked for snakes and other creatures...and they had probably long since been scared off from all the splashing. AND, my brother and I LIVED in that creek when we were growing up. Soooo IN HE WENT. He loved it!!!!!

When he was done playing in the creek, I striped him down outside and took him to the kitchen sink for a little bath. We changed clothes...and then on to our next FIRST! He painted. Of course I left him naked because why would I put clothes on a toddler that is about to paint. haha.. He had the best time. I wish I had a picture of his finished product but he painted using all different colors. When he was finished, I painted his hands black and put them in the center of his masterpiece. It looks sooo cute hanging in Izzy's playroom.
Oh and once he saw me paint his hands, he felt it was necessary to paint his hands too...and his arm...and his face...and his belly. BUT, he had a great time!

This day was a FUN day...filled with lots of firsts!!!!

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