Monday, March 29, 2010

momma, Momma, MOMMA! and a little sneak peak...

My sweet little angel has been in speech for about 4 months. Mrs. Kristi is WONDERFUL with Trigger...he is NOT so fond of her. She comes to Liz's house on Thursdays for an hour and Liz said he usually runs to her (Liz....not Kristi) and cries. I can explain why. My precious child does not like to be told what to do and when to do it...I have NO idea where he got that from. When Kristi comes, he knows she is going to make him do directive play and he doesn't like to be directed. OH his poor future teachers...I need to go ahead and start praying for them. He does have fun once he gets started! AND, he has learned alot and his speech has taken off. When we began, Trigger didn't have any words that he purposefully said. Now, I can't even count the amount of words he uses daily. Kristi has also taught him "manding" which is like signing but easier motions. He mands and says "more", "all done", "keys" and many more. Of course his favorite words are Momma and Dada. He has gotten to where if I have my back to him or I'm in the other room OR he just wants attention, he will shout, "momma, Momma, MOMMA"...louder and louder each time until I finally respond. He also LOVES to walk around and point to things that I use (like my brush or my purse) or things that are Matt's (like four-wheeler, leaf blower, lawnmower, etc.). Poor Liz came to pick him up today and Trigger went around the entire garage pointing to each thing saying, "dada...dada".
I am so glad that his speech is progressing! Unfortunately, I do not think he will be able to continue with services after his next testing because he is doing so well. I hate that because he has progressed so fast with Kristi!
Here are are few pictures of Trigger and "momma, Momma, MOMMA".

Like I said earlier, Trigger went to his Izzy's today so that I could rest. HAHA. I did NO such thing today...and I should've because I'm exhausted! That dang dresser was sitting out in our garage and it was just CALLING my name. I just couldn't help myself so I went out there and sanded/distressed, glazed, and just plum wore myself out. I still have to put a protective coat of polycrylic on it because I have a feeling that there will be all kinds of transportation vehicles run over it and little dirty fingers and MAYBE even feet all over the beautiful piece of we are gonna try to protect all Momma's (and Daddy's) hard work. And for those of you that have asked or were wondering, it's going in Trigger's room. The baby is getting Trigger's dresser from his nursery. Oh and we are waiting on the hardware to come in...should be here any day nowI LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it so far!!! The glaze really added alot to the piece and kept it from being so candy apple red. I'm just adding one picture now...I will add some more when it is truly finished with topcoat and hardware!!!!

Well..I'm off to rest this body...I'm TIRED!

1 comment:

Emery Wilkerson said...

I am loving the dresser!!! Can't wait to see what hardware you put on it!