Sunday, March 28, 2010


Let me tell you what we have been working on. Last weekend, I put together a kitchen set that Izzy and Poppy bought for Trigger...more on that in another post. Then, this weekend, Matt (and his dad) have been working on refinishing a dresser that I found. It was MY BEST PURCHASE EVER...even better than the 13 dollar peacoat that I bought on sale for Matt at Gap. I had been on the lookout for a dresser at Rolling Hills or Goodwill. In my crazy little head, I wanted to refinish a dresser...I had seen all these great blogs that detail how to refinish furniture, and I was HOOKED. Sooo...I went searching. I don't have alot of spare time (or at least I didn't then because I found the dresser when I was still working). Well, one afternoon after I had picked Trigger up from Liz's, I ran by rolling hills. I left Trigger in the car watching a movie (awful parenting, I know!!...but i did have the doors locked) and ran in just to see if they had any treasures. I saw three dressers. One was $80 and was the one that I was going to purchase, one was $60 but needed alot of attention, and then there was one that had a "sold" sign on it...I had seen the sold dresser several times and I knew it had been there for a couple (if not longer) was really the dresser that I wanted. Well, I asked one of the employees if he had any idea if it was really sold since it had been back there for so long. He looked at the tag and said it had been too I could buy it...YAY for me... BUT WAIT...I asked him, "how much is it before I agree" He went to the back and came out and said.....are you sitting down....$30....thats right THIRTY DOLLARS... Guess what? It now had another yellow tag but this time with the name GARSON WOODARD!!!! WHAT? I can't believe I only paid 30 dollars for this piece of furniture. It had NO damage at ALL...definitely the best dresser of the three and the cheapest! So, I paid for it. Got back in the car with my CHILD...who was waiting oh so patiently. HAHA! I called Matt and told him that I needed him to go pick up a dresser that I had just purchased...the whole time hoping he didn't kill me BECAUSE we ALL know that ME refinishing the furniture means that MATT will be refinishing it!'s been under our garage for the last months. Matt got out there last weekend and started sanding and said that he would NOT be working on this piece of furniture..."WE will just buy a new one" he said. I didn't want a new dresser. I wanted this dresser!!!

So I researched people to refinish it for us....and decided that we were going to attempt it again this weekend. Matt's mom is out of town so Matt's dad came over for some pizza and helped us get the dresser sanded. I thought these pictures were so cute because Trigger had seen his daddy brushing off the dust and decided it would be HIS job. Look closely...three generations of Woodard men working! I LOVE IT!!! These sure are three SPECIAL men!

As of right now, we have the primer finished. AND the drawers painted RED!!!! YEP...the dresser will be RED! Now we (Matt) have to paint the dresser.
This dresser will go in Trigger's room and the baby will get Trigger's dresser from his nursery. Make sense? I'm a little confused about what goes where too! Be on the lookout for pictures of the finished dresser. I'm hoping it will be DONE by next weekend..but we still have to finish painting, sand/destress, glaze, and then one thin coat of poly! That should be it! :) Poor, poor Matthew!

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