Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Sooo for those you that are on pins and needles...I passed my glucose test with FLYING colors. I had the fruit punch flavored drink and it wasn't horrible...wasn't good either! I was having a hard time finished the last few sips. I looked out into the lobby to distract myself for a minute. I noticed an elderly woman sitting and waiting to be called to the lab. She had an oxygen pump. I was completely taken by this picture...ME sitting there young and pretty healthy and having a hard time drinking a stupid drink. It got me to thinking about all the horrible medical treatments/proceedures people have to go through when the are seriously ill. Like I know when my mom had cancer, she had to drink that chalk stuff before a certain test on her stomach...YUCK. Or the fact that she had chemo...
YEP...after all that raced through my mind, I downed those last few sips..soo very thankful to be drinking a flat, fruit-flavored drink instead of being faced with something worse!
After drinking the YUMMY drink, I had to sit for an hour. I had my blood drawn for the second time. Then, ran (actually drove...a child in my class always questions if I am really going to "run to the bathroom"...so now I think about that everytime I use that expression!) to walmart to get a few necessities. Went back to Green Clinic at 10...and got called back early since my appt wasn't until 1045! Guess that's what it's like to be early somewhere...i kindof liked it! Dr. Harper told me that I wasn't going back to work right now. I'm still not on strict bedrest but I can't go to work....so if you see me out and about, Dr. Harper has approved it! Just not work stress!!!! but for the most part, I am lying low at home and trying to rest up since it will be the LAST rest I get for a VERY, VERY, VERY long time!
I think that will be all for now...but, let me make one last statement. Dr. harper is fabulous. He's probably not for everyone but I truly think we are one and the same...and "get" each other. He puts up with my OCD! so I am so thankful for him!

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