Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Daddy's Little Helper

Trigger loves to help his daddy! We are in the LONG process of changing our office into a playroom...we don't really need an office because Matt and I both have laptops that we keep beside our bed. And we have a wireless printer but it's located on top of my armoir in the office/playroom soooo it's out of the way of little hands! Anyway, we will keep my armoire with craft/art supplies AND our bookcase...and the reason we have to keep that in there would be because my sweet husband NEEDS to have quick access to those books that are on there!!! But, the rest of the room will be lined with shelving units that will house most of Trigger's toys!!! I am not naive...he will not play in there...but that's not the point. I need somewhere to put all these toys. In the pictures below, Trigger is helping Matt move my armoire. I'm telling you that that piece of furniture is by far THE heaviest I have EVER owned. And wouldn't you know that it is the piece that has been moved the MOST! Sorry, Matthew!
I wanted Matt to move it across the room but the kicker: I refused to unload anything in it...after all, I am suppose to be taking it easy...Right? haha. Soooo...like a good husband, he did what I asked. As he was straining to push it...seriously, it's very heavy!!!! Trigger comes over and starts pushing on it too...just like his daddy! So sweet that he wanted to help him.

Then, I forgot to measure to make sure the armoire was going to fit...OOPS. So Matt decided we needed to measure. What did he use to measure? Trigger's tape measure. HILARIOUS!

Well, by the time this is posted, I should be finished with my glucose test. I am scheduled to have it done this morning. YUCK, YUCK, YUCK! This is something that I dread because I gag REALLY easily! Sooo...hopefully I survived!!! Also, I have my appt with Dr. Harper at 10. The big question issss....Work OR no work?

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